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matt buz

heater direction control - rotary type

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hey all

the heater direction control has just failed me on my c. Its the directional dial on the left. I turned it and it got really stiff. I thought "uh oh" and turned it back at which point it went "clik" and wont budge now. Thankfully its stuck on the windscreen setting which is the one I use 90pc of the time. Has anyone got any experience of this problem. If so is it fixable (it sounded like a clik that had broken for good incidently).

This is for sale on ebay


http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %3AIT&rd=1



and i am tempted to buy it.


Thoughts please.


Matt Buz

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Yeah stick a bid in but pay no more than £50.


See my guide in servicing and suppliers for the common reasons why they break and how to fix them....

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