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Windscreen Leak

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I put an entry in The "what I did to my Corrado today" thread... to say that I'd tried to seal a leak at the top right of the windscreen. Well, it didn't work. But I noticed that Sideways Steve was saying he'd done similar so asked the question. Rather than fill up The "what I did to my Corrado today" thread...we ended up PMing to figure out what to do.


In the interests of community, and any additional comments, here is how it went...


Me - Bit of black silicon sealant in the gaps at the top of the windscreen. Hopefully the rain won't get in any more...


Sideways Steve - Sunday:


1 - Fixed leaking windscreen


Me - What was your windscreen leak?


I tried at the weekend to do the same...Bit of black silicon sealant in the gaps at the top of the windscreen. Hopefully the rain won't get in any more... but still leaking at top left hand of screen.


SS - Hi bud, yup mine was the top left too.


Basically someone had replaced the windscreen in the past and has damaged the actual windscreen seal. Someone else had then pumped the groove full of black silicon to try and fix it but all that done was make the finishing trim keep popping out.


I scraped out the old silicon and could see the dodgy bit of seal. Silicon is too thick to solve the issue so I used some stuff I get from work designed for sealing joints called Heldite. When you brush it in its like thick paint and is in a liquid form, i concentrated on just getting it into teh area where I could see the damaged part of the seal and let it soak in for 5 minutes before then refitting the finishing strip. end result is no more leaks and my finishing strip sits flush like it should


The Heldite is brilliant as with it being liquid it actually leaks into the gaps like the water would do but as its quite thick it gets stuck and effectively plugs the holes then sets


Me - Thanks for that. Sorry didn't get back sooner, been on household chores so no Corrado times for the last couple of days.


I think the leak is worse now that I've Siliconed it. The run in to work this morning proved that. I'm going to start by putting gaffer tape over the place I think is leaking to see if that solves it - then I'll at least have found where it's getting in. Sounds similar to yours though.


SS - The silicon will make it worse as why happens is it actually blocks the drainage route round the screen and effectively creates a dam trapping the water and it seeps through the actual leak.


The only way the gaffer tape will help is if you go the full way along the top of the screen as the Trim that clips in is not actually water tight and water can get under it at any point.

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I'm also suffering from a leaking windscreen and have seen a few threads about it over the years. I've resided to the fact that I'm going to have to take the windscreen out, get the metal repaired and then have the screen re-fitted with new seals. It's one of the highest jobs on my to do list.


Interestingly I bumped into the previous owner at lunch time the other day and he said that he had work done in that area before, so I'm guessing they didn't do a very good job :(


I've also tried putting sealant in the gap and yes, that made it worse.


Just need the funds to get it done now, not expecting it to be cheap.

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I am also suffering from this problem...I also have a little leak on the top right handside of the windsreen. I took off the interior trim and could see exactly where the water would be coming from....I need to get this repaired...!


The other day I noticed that passenger side footwell was really wet but hasnt been wet again since. I still dont know upto today how that got wet. Any ideas or similar experiences??

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mines done exactly the same have a crack in the windscreen tho so hopefully when it gets replaced will sort the leak atm the same time, when was strippin the car tho the carpet and soundproofin was mentally soaked didnt realise it had leaked so much

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i dont have a leak but i need my screen taken out to repair two paint bubbles in either top corner, im prety sure them seals do jack diddly sqaut appart from finish it off for appearance, the screens are glued in and thats what keeps the water out.anybody taken there screens out before?

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