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Door pin

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Recently noticed the plastic surround on the door lock pin was about buggered so I thought I'd find some plastic tube, slit it and drop it over the lock pin. What could be easier and cheaper???


The door now closes much better with a more positive thud. The door now sits tighter on the door seal therefore the door and quarter panel are flush again.


Great I thought until I tried to open the door. It now takes a little more effort on the handle to open which doesn't bother me but I'm thinking the extra force required on the handle will accelerate the common Corrado handle breaking problem :roll:


The plastic tube I used was quite hard, a softer material would probably help.


Has anyone tried this or is there a replacment plastic part available from the stealers?



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insulation tape... 8) just need to re-do it once a year when it tears... :roll:


You could try heat shrinking it... :?

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Never thought of that. You also have the opportunity to build up just the right thickness.


Cheers mate



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Never thought of that. You also have the opportunity to build up just the right thickness.


Cheers mate




Nay problems.... Someone in the last 230K miles of my car's history has had that same problem and come up with the insulation tape method of curing it... 8)

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I've just found some semi-hard rubber tube at work, cut some off, warmed it up and stretched it over.....oo er. Just happens to be the right size....oo er again.........works great! I'll post some pics.

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As promised..............if anyone's passing my house drop in for a free length :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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