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Breaking 91 .corrado early 16v NOW WITH FREE POSTAGE

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Due to a change of plan (and a small issue getting it off the trailor) i going to break this 91 16v.

Its colour is sherry. with a grey interior. there is also a later vr6 set of seats & door cards


All parts are available.I will list some of the parts ,but please contact me with your requests.

your welcome to collect.

Thanks rod.

Some of the parts ....


Front indicators £15.00 each (or a deal for both) both sold

Front foglamps £25.00 each "" both sold

Front headlamps (great condition) £25.00 each "" both sold

Front spoiler 90mm good £45.00 sold

Full set of outer rubbing stripps £40.00 sold

Doors £20.00 each

Front wings £25.00 each O/S & N/S Side Sold

Good front bonnet £30.00

Tailgate £25.00

Rear no plate plinth £20.00 SOLD

Rear lights full set £20.00 SOLD

Front panel £15.00 SOLD

Late (93) vr6 seats & door panels £90.00

Late leather vr6 steering wheel £35.00 sold

Sunroof motor £10.00

Early grill & badge £20.00 sold

Sunroof assy complete £45.00 sold

wiper & indicator stalks £7.50 each sold

Sebring alloy wheel & tyre (good) £35.00 sold

Dash switches £10.00 each



16v gearbox £50.00

1.8 16v engine £75.00 HEAD SOLD SO 35 FOR THE BLOCK

o/s outer door handle 40 pounds sold

n/s outer door handle 20 pounds sold


Warning triangle 10 pounds sold

Exhaust system .great condition 75 pounds

front bumper 25 pounds

rear bumper 25 pounds SOLD

o/s & n/s drive shafts 30 pounds each o/s side SOLD


Roof mouldings £35.00 the pair

Rear view mirror £5.00

Rear "corrado" badge £5.00 SOLD


Front calipers 15 pounds each

n/s window motor assy 20 pounds SOLD

n/s/r caliper 15 pounds SOLD

plus plenty of other parts



I will update the list as i go.

Thanks rod

Edited by rodmax

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Hi Dave,will send pics once the exhaust is off,I'm sure the handle is black.will confirm


Fin2982 pm sent



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Hi kirade,are you after the original grey door panels or the late vr6 ones.


Classic i will check the indicator for any damage & get back to you


let me know rod

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thanks dude, if you could drop us a pm with your paypal address and how much you are looking for it posted, that would be awsome.

thanks again

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  rodmax said:
Hi dave the handle is black,how 6 pounds posted

let me know rod


Yes please can you PM me payment details. Cheers.

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Hi neil , yes i would sell the suspension ,but it is standard.

let me know if this is of use

thanks rod

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can you take a picture of the inside of the door trim sill cover panel, and would you be prepared to do a deal with the trim cover and the door/wing rubbing strips.



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Hi Rod, yes I'd be interested in standard suspension if it's in good condition - could you take some photos? How much would you be looking for (full set)?

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What condition is the tailgate in please? Very interested if it is rust free as the one on my car is a little worse for wear. Also, I'm presuming the bonnet is the early type with the ----______---- panel rather than __------__ ?




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Hi ,yes the bonnet is the early type,its in good condition only a few small stonechips,The rear tailgate too is in good condition it does have a couple of very small rust spots below the no plate lamp,but apart from that its fine no dents or scratches

Thanks rod

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