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Winter 4x4

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Hi all


Im starting to think about preparing for the winter ahead ive heard a few forcasters saying were in for it big time so although my a3 quattro managed well last year ground clearance is the main issue as i live on a farm and have a three mile track to the nearest village.


My limit is £2000 to buy a half decent 4x4 that will last the winter anybody have any suggestions ?


Been looking at the honda HRV 1.6 vtec lump and intelligent 4wd system anyone had one of these ?


any opinion welcome

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I bought a Frontera last winter for £250, drove it for a few months and scrapped it for £200, was really good in the snow :)

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Doesnt help with the ground clearance though. It must be pretty extreme where you live as Ive very rarely felt the need for a 4x4 and I used to live in small town in in Grampains.

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yeah ive looked at Fronteras and other cheap 4x4 but knowing my look it would brake down when i need it lol then ill be stuck so dont mind paying the extra cash and getting something half decent aslong as i dont loose to much when i sell it in the summer.




Grip really isnt an issue with the a3 it gets great traction with it being a quattro but its quite low to the ground and last year when all the snow got compacted and froze it really does take its toll on the bumper splitter and under side of the car

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I know what you mean, i was lucky with the frontera i bought, didnt have any issues with it, only got a flat tyre which i filled with tyreweld or whatever the foam stuff is called.............I was prepared to scrap it the first time it broke down, but it didn't, so i kept it until march, when the missus decided to run into the back of someone , very slowly, but it was a sign that it was time to get rid and get the corrado out of the garage............already got my winter banger lined up for this year :)

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Yeah Coulstar you hit the nail on the head ground clearance is the big issue the problem is i live on a farm where only 4x4's and tractors go up the road and they make two deep groves in the snow which is great untill you need to pull over for a car coming the other way (single track) and cant get out the groove lol and when the snow gets deeper and mines the only car that bottoms out on the untouched frozen snow left in the middle of the two grooves


---------- Post added at 04:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:50 PM ----------


so what you got this year easypops ?

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so what you got this year easypops ?


Don't laugh..............its a skoda felicia :lol: , glxi model..............for the pricely sum of £160 :)

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if you can stretch a bit, audi allroad all the way, this car was unstoppable last year, thinking of buying another one but no cash so far :(

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Don't laugh..............its a skoda felicia :lol: , glxi model..............for the pricely sum of £160 :)


Nothing wrong with a skoda mate especially for only £160 quid im sure you will get more than that when you weight it in. Struggle to find any cars with decent test for under £200 atm cos everyone just scraps them!


Emu i would love an allroad they seem to have that bit extra ground clearance needed but they way out of my pricerange pal


Anyone have a Honda HRV ? or any opinions on these ? seems you can pick a 99/00 model up for around 1500-2000 and with it being a honda shouldnt have much trouble ith it ?

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Subaru Justy. 1.3 AWD. this will be its 4th MOT that ive had it for. mint in the snow. :D cost £350 aswell lol

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Impreza. Classic Imprezas are dirt cheap at the moment, and a wagon would be practical. I had one for a few years, was awesome in the snow.

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