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COrrado door handle

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Just gone to open the passenger door on the corrado and the handle moves but it won't open the door. I can still open the door from the inside handle.


Is this a common problem as I've not had the car long?


Am I going to have to replace the entire handle?


Thanks in advance for any help

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You searched and found this ... if you keep going, you'll find about another 300 threads on the subject, which is why new ones tend to get closed ;)


The handle basically breaks due to a part that is programmed to break after exactly 2,413 uses.


Dave, above in this thread, sells a replacement part. Guaranteed to be indestructible.

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Although, not always the problem. I have one of Daves kits on my passenger door handle, but recently the handle wont work again. It did for a while, but gone again but this time a different part i think, just cant quite work out what.


The striker is still in place so no fault there, it just doesnt drop enough to switch the catch.

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Can you take the handle out and post a pic, I might be able to workout what's up. Pull the handle out just enough to get a shot.

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Yes sure, thanks. I will do it tomorrow as im out tonight.


I had a quick look the other day and it looked as if a bit under the striker had split/broken, but will get a pic to confirm.


(wierdly central locking has stopped working on the same side - although I reckon its just co-incidence)

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As discussed, photo below. Have circled where it appears something has broken. Any ideas?


Weirdly if you pull the drivers side pin up from inside the car the passenger side opens too, but using the key on the drivers side and the passenger pin does nothing. Any ideas on this as well?

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Your handle is buggered, that part cannot easily be replaced. I've normally got some spare handles knocking around but not this time.


As for your central locking have a look at this thread - http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?51360-Central-locking-not-working-CHECK-YOUR-WIRING&highlight=central+locking


Of course it could be something else like a knackered microswitch in the handle but check your wiring first.

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What makes it buggered, i presume the part that I circled?


As well as the handle and the central locking, I also have to slam the door quite hard for it to close properly, could this be handle related, or more likely the cause for it to break in the first place?

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Yeah that is a major part of the mechanism, can't be replaced easily.


Slamming the door to close properly could be a badly adjusted door pin, the one on the body. Loosen with a 15mm spanner, adjust and re-tighten. It could be a problem with the lock mechanism on the door if not the pin. Adjust the door pin first.

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