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I don't know why I don't hate this Corrado more than I do!

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That probably makes no sense, but since having this (a month now) it's been nothing but trouble! Driving to my garage today, which I was told I could do, by said garage to get the subframe replaced.

and what happens? BANG the thing f*cking breaks leaving me stranded.


(I jacked it up to have a looksee and try and unbury the wheel from the arch)


(what I found underneath!)

Of course that pulled the driveshaft out of the gearbox, so im looking at hefty garage bills already.

and to top all of that fun off! The garage sent out a flatbed, from which the driver decided to pull my car down the road first before getting it on the flatbed, completely :2gunfire: my wing. which was in all honesty probably the best part of my car =[. oh yeah and he shredded a brand new tyre.

all in all best 40 minuites of my life i think.

Off to drown my sorrows.



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subframe failed! luckily I was doing 10mph so nothing happened other than the huge embarrassment of it happening in front of what I'm sure was the whole of my town haha!

well I don't know what I'm going to do about it. However, if they charge me for collection I will kick up a fuss!

Don't know the extent of the damage the mechanics aren't looking at it till Monday, although the drive shaft came out and gearbox oil didn't, which is bad?

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i still love my corrado after having to replace the exhaust, all 4 tyres, 2 wheel bearings.........and found out that my steering rack needs replacing yet I still love this car, drove 200+ miles upto scotland and enjoyed every moment off it. stick with the car and you wont regret it

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