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What's the heap worth!

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Doesn't look a heap at all.


If you fix the engine problem, then at least you know you have a nice looking corrado with a good engine.


I'd rather keep a car i know, and fix things, then decide another car isn't going to go wrong.


Think if someone bought it and fixed it quite cheaply, bet you would feel a bit gutted then

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Doesn't look a heap at all.


If you fix the engine problem, then at least you know you have a nice looking corrado with a good engine.


I'd rather keep a car i know, and fix things, then decide another car isn't going to go wrong.


Think if someone bought it and fixed it quite cheaply, bet you would feel a bit gutted then


To be honest I am gutted I bought it a month ago for good money and it's now fooked!


I can't afford to spend near 1k on a new engine

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Just to add to this I had a bog standard 2.8 Mk3 Highline OBD II which was RR at 193bhp. There was an OBD 1 car there and it was 175bhp.

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Corrados don't start pulling out a lead on Golfs until 90+mph, mainly because of it's higher rev limit and slipperier body shell....


Kev, Question :)


I'm about to upgrade to OBD2, are you saying when I stick the OBD2 ECU in, i'm going to loose that higher rev limit? Do you think Vince would be able to tweak my ECU so it has a similar rev limiter as it would have been with my OBD1 ECU?





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I'm not sure what rev limit OBD2 has mate, but certainly OBD1 Golf and Corrados have different rpm limits.


I had OBD2 in my Corrado when it was Supercharged and Vince upped the limiter to 7200ish rpm to get the full boost, so it's defo possible mate :D

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you saying that did ring some of those bells in the back of my head, i'm sure Vince did tweak my OBD2 to something like 6800? oh I cant remember... was a long time ago :o)


Something to consider for the future, but I think it will be fast enough by the time I drive mine, especially now being over 3 years since I last drove a VR6....


Waiting to do my G60 FD gearbox and OBD2 stuff to go on before years out! hopefully come March, I can play!!


P.S - Sorry for hi-jacking your thread :)

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Right i have thought about what its worth???


Would £1200 be asking to much for it? it has 9 months tax and mot, full leather, it has a little bit of rust down near the rear sills and rear arch meets but nothing major! the spoiler and fans work but sunroof doesnt! the abs works to!

Edited by robo22sri

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What's it worth questions are decidedly tricky... I paid about the same for my VR6 12 months ago with beige leather, and similar cosmetic issues, and that has a working engine..

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Question is would 1200 get you another corrado (assuming youre doing that). If you are doing that, then you could be exchanging one problem on this one, to any problems the new one has. Surely fixing or changing the engine on your existing corrado would be more logical.


It does look v nice too mate :D

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There is a silver one local to me for £2k

I dont have enough money to buy an engine and fit it, I can't do it on my drive because I don't have a hoist etc to do an engine swap, and I don't have the space to make a spare engine :(


Anyone close to Basildon fancy helping out?

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2k would get you a reconditioned engine - assuming one is available. Though wheeling the engine out of the car (front of car off) on the jack would be tricky. Wouldnt the 2k get your engine sorted?


Its a bummer without a garage, Im in the same situation - really could do with being able to work in a garage.

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There is a silver one local to me for £2k

I dont have enough money to buy an engine and fit it, I can't do it on my drive because I don't have a hoist etc to do an engine swap, and I don't have the space to make a spare engine :(


Anyone close to Basildon fancy helping out?


You have to look at this in a positive light.


You say you don't have the money to buy the engine (£250-350) and fit etc but you would have to take a £800 hit in selling yours and buying the silver one. You can't fit the engine because you don't have a hoist, sure you can hire one or borrow if you ask enough people. Fair enough if you don't have the room to rebuild an engine.


I'm sure things would work out if you chose to sort the engine, not like there's a shortage of owners within a drive to help out. Go for it mate, save the old girl. You've only just bought it.

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Agree with the earlier comments. 2.8 swap is very straight forward.


Im sure someone local will lend you an engine crane and prob a few hours spanner time too.


Save your pennies for a 24v once its done, condition looks too good to let it go for £1200.


Wouldnt have come from tcs would it?

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There is a silver one local to me for £2k

I dont have enough money to buy an engine and fit it, I can't do it on my drive because I don't have a hoist etc to do an engine swap, and I don't have the space to make a spare engine :(


Anyone close to Basildon fancy helping out?


2k would get you a reconditioned engine - assuming one is available. Though wheeling the engine out of the car (front of car off) on the jack would be tricky. Wouldnt the 2k get your engine sorted?


Its a bummer without a garage, Im in the same situation - really could do with being able to work in a garage.


If I were nearer I would bring my tools and give you a hand. As for a recon engine, a company on ebay has been offering complete 2.9 recon engines for £1000.


After I bought my latest VR this summer I wondered if I had bought the right one, it needed work to bring it to the level I wanted. So I looked around at ones twice the price, they still needed the same amount of work to bring them to a good standard. As in the subframes weren't as rusty as mine but rusty enought to need sorting.

So I decided I had the right car and slowly it's being sorted.

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realistically £800-£1200 is probably about right, someone doing the work is going to want to get it for a good price if they have to change the engine. What's the mileage?

all depends on what other advantages there are on the silver one. yours would prob be worth 2k too once done so if you prefer the silver one cut your losses and spend the difference on that.

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I would say save it. £300 for an engine plus £80 for gaskets.


What doesn't have a monetry value though is the satisfaction when you've fixed it. That's whats the best thing about old cars.

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I had a sit down last night and thought what i am going to do!!


I am going to get my mate to do a test on the coolant bottle and see if i am getting any petrol/toxic gasses in the header and that will rule out the head gasket!


If is all good i am going to do a coolant change and flush it through! change the stat and housing etc


---------- Post added at 11:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 AM ----------


how much g12++ would i need if i empty the whole coolant system?

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Three litres of g12+ is about right.



G12+ waters down 50/50 doesnt it? so its 6 litres total for the cooling system?

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You're thinking of the oil. The coolant system holds nearer 10 litres. Agreed with toohottotrot, 2 bottles of G12+ is about right. 50/50 is far too concentrated for the UK mate. Too much glycol actually reduces water's heatsoaking ability.


Where abouts in Colchester do you live? I think I should have a look at this car and try and put your mind to rest!

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You're thinking of the oil. The coolant system holds nearer 10 litres. Agreed with toohottotrot, 2 bottles of G12+ is about right. 50/50 is far too concentrated for the UK mate. Too much glycol actually reduces water's heatsoaking ability.


Where abouts in Colchester do you live? I think I should have a look at this car and try and put your mind to rest!


The man speaks the truth.......take him up on his offer! :cheers:

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