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[Event] Stealth Racing RR Day - November 27th, 2011 -- PAYMENT

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Just realised what time ive got to leave in the morning, contemplating staying in tonight.

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Well, my Corrado is home. But only to be cleaned and see what else needs finishing off (it's absolutely filthy and covered in dust)


---------- Post added at 05:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:27 PM ----------


Well, my Corrado is home. But only to be cleaned and see what else needs finishing off (it's absolutely filthy and covered in dust)


The Honda is now sold and went today. So I sadly won't be there :(

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Floppyman has kindly offered to give me a hand and is on his way! There its still hope for me. What a legend! I love this forum!!!

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It won't turn over. Turn they key, lights come on, everything primes like it should, then nothing. I thought it was the ignition switch which I was due to replace today anyway but I did that in the car park and it still won't start. Been towed home now so need to do some fault finding. I'm going to start at the starter motor and work backwards from there. Problem is I know nothing about electrics!


This is so frikkin wierd. My car has been running fine for ages, absolutely no problems. Even started it a couple of times throught today, again no issues. Been fiddling with the car, installing bits of plastic interior i have been meaning to replace for ages (you know how it is...) ... and was fiddling with the driver side dash undertray and fusebox cover. Took ages but got everything done and went to start the car and it turned over, fired and then just died. Tried again, same thing.... it fired, turned, i gave it some throttle, it revved, and then just died like the first time.


After having a mini heart attack and contemplating getting a sledge hammer and just bashing my car in... I checked all fuses and relays, wiggled all the relays and crossed my fingers and tried again. Voila - it fired up!


Just wondering if you have a loose relay or something like i had? I swear there should be a motto for Corrado ownership :- "if it works, just be happy and dont try to do anything to it!"


Hope it all gets sorted mate, and floppyman - what a legend!

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What would happen if I turned up around 10/11?


You have to stand in the middle of us all while we call you nasty names and throw stuff at you lol , sorry had to

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Floppyman has kindly offered to give me a hand and is on his way! There its still hope for me. What a legend! I love this forum!!!


I've got a whole bunch of spare relays from someone who broke their car. And I'm only about 40 mins from Farnborough so if you find its a relay then I may have the one you need. Floppyman should have my mobile from when he changed my gearbox oil. I will pm it to you too.


Also have a spare MAF but I doubt its that.


So tempted to come and spectate but really don't have the time.

Edited by Portent

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I don't mind a few people coming late if they come from far away... it's fair enough. But it does mean I can't be sure where you'll be on the running order so please don't expect to come and be running your car on the rollers immediately so you can make an early get away! :)

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Floppyman has kindly offered to give me a hand and is on his way! There its still hope for me. What a legend! I love this forum!!!


Happy we got it sorted. You just need to sort that wiring one day. Turned out to be a faulty aftermarket immobilizer. Ollie maybe it got damaged with the flooding you had since the immo box is near the floor

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Good news its fixed. I can highly recommend Trim Wizard for alarm and electrical stuff. He comes out to you and also used to have corrado. Did a great job on mine.


It's very unlikely to happen but I assume an extra spectator wouldn't be a problem tomorrow?

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Good news its fixed. I can highly recommend Trim Wizard for alarm and electrical stuff. He comes out to you and also used to have corrado. Did a great job on mine.


It's very unlikely to happen but I assume an extra spectator wouldn't be a problem tomorrow?


Lol you wont regreat. :)

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Ive got a photographer hopefully coming with me tomorrow so should get some decent pics


---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 PM ----------


Plus I'm bringing a few bits that im trying to sell.

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It really is great to see people come together and help each other out.

Restores the faith that sometimes gets lost in this mad world of ours.


Looking forward to a good day tomorrow, weather forecast is sunshine !!


Good team effort! This forum is great for stuff like that :)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well, what a day! Started off by visiting Halfords to buy some distilled water, this was fine, then I headed to my local VW dealership to grab some G12 for a coolant flush and change. I buy the coolant jump back in the car (at VW), turn the key, and nothing! This has happened before, normally 2nd or 3rd go it fires. I thought it was the ignition switch, I had a new one on me, I was on my way home to fit it! So I called my dad who brought me some tools down and I swapped the ignition switch out in the dealership carpark lol. Right outside where all the techies stand to drink tea! New switch in and I'm thinking I'm home free, imagine the words that came out my mouth when I turn the key and....nothing!!


So my dad offers to go and get the work horse and tow me home. I've never been towed before so this was a pretty scary/horrible experience! Lucky home is only a mile or so away. I never asked anyone for help at the garage, they have a job to do and I don't want to disturb them, but they did give me a push out of the parking space I was in (thanks chaps!).


Once I got home I was pretty much clueless, I did some checking here to see what it could be but I really didn't know what to do. I suspected the starter motor but didn't know how to prove it. At this point I thought I would have to bail on tomorrow (I have been seriously looking forward to it!).


Floppyman PM'd me his number and offered his support and after a quick chat he was on his way to my house to help, with a spare starter in tow! He was only here a few minutes and had diagnosed it, amazing! Once we had ruled out the starter (and tested it) we knew it had to be the wiring, so we bypassed the after market immobiliser (which is **** anyway) and all was good again. Car fires first time every time (so far). We have done enough tonight to get me to Stealth and back tomorrow but I seriously need to sort the wiring out, it's a horrible mess. I'll show you tomorrow.


I have to say, Floppyman wasn't the only person to offer help, Portent and Monzablue also PM'd me and offered to come round and help! Simply amazing, thank you all so so much, people like you are what make this place the best community on the net! I have friends who I've known for years and they wouldn't have even offered to help at such short notice, let alone driving 30 miles + to help!


Anyway, I didn't get to do what I planned to do today, the car is filthy and the coolant change didn't happen, but at least I'll be able to actually go now!

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What an end to a week.. Decided last weekend to drag the car out of the garage so I could come tomorrow.. I had loads I needed to get sorted so it was gonna be a busy week. It flew through an mot on Monday and was booked in to have some electrical work done. The fans hadnt been kicking in and the alarm was playing up among other things.

I was supposed to get it back last night but it wasn't ready. I went back this morning and there's more issues than when I started!

I've spend the day putting interior back together and just went out for a decent drive to get right up to temp. Pulled in outside a pub to check on the fans and the cars overheated.. No fans no nothing.


I'm now sat in the pub giving the car a chance to cool down before it goes back to the garage.. Not a happy boy.


Have a great time tomorrow.. I'll be on the sofa watching the GP :(

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Want to be the first to says thanks to Jim for organising today. Was great to see a few old faces and meet some new ones. Some very interesting cars there and I am now looking foreward to using my new one everyday, especially knowing its running properly :). Jay 190bhp and 190lb/ft

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What a day!


I just want to say a big thanks for everyone who came along today and made it a great success. Thanks go out especially to Wendy who very kindly manned the BBQ all morning cooking sausages and burgers for everyone and doling out the mince pies and stuff - it was very kind of you to give up your time! Appreciate everyone who put in money towards the food as there is no forum "fund" for organising this stuff and it all had to come out of my pocket up front! Big thanks also to pete_griff for sorting out the delicious sausages, and thanks of course to Vince, Jon and Dave for their hard work all day in the workshop getting the cars in / out and on the rollers.


Hope you all had a good time and I look forward to organising the next one - probably in a year or so!!


If there are any folks who didn't run their cars, and who didn't get a refund from me on the day please PM me - I do have some cash left over and would rather refund you than make profits!


Disappointing day for me as my VR didn't hit the sorts of power figures I was expecting - in fact it was quite a long way off with only 190BHP and 188lb/ft of torque... not good :( Think once the finances have recovered from christmas, it'll be in to DG Autotech or Stealth for a bit of a diagnostic session unfortunately!



Edited by Jim

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Wish to thank everyone involved in making this event so great. Even though my car wasnt able to run the rollers in the end, being there meeting you all and having a chat made it all worthwhile.


Great seeing some familiar face, and good meeting some new ones. Hope to see you all again soon.

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Thanks to jim for the organisation and wendy for the food was a good day and nice to put faces to names even tho there wer alot to remember

Some nice cars ran today and enjoyed the full day of watching it all

Nice to meet everyone

Matt , 196bhp and 189lb/ft

Also cheers to everone who made my run possible by standing and sitting all over my car lol

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