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Values-selling-future classic......???

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I guess it's about trying to strike a middle ground and just live to your means. My car has needed paintwork doing for some time but it just hasn't been financially viable to get it done. However I just had a good quote from a local bodyshop who's premises I've been to see, and the quality of the work I've been able to view.. I'm sure he's not up there with the very best, but I think the work will be quite acceptable for me and a price that's acceptable for me. Hoping to get it booked in over christmas..


I think I've got enough spare time and money to keep the car to an above average standard. It'll never be a show car, but it'll be cared for.. that's as good as I can do for now!

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Sorry if this is a pearoast , but one thing that makes a car price rise is the use of it in a film or tv series. I know the quattro was demanding good dough anyway but they went up even more during and after ashes to ashes . Same thing with the charger [dukes of hazzard] . Now if they made a new series of ashes to ashes and he was saying ''get in the rado !!!'' i bet the prices would rise . Think jim says it all ......its a one off car never to be repeated .This makes it a very special car .

Edited by robrado974

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12 years ago I bought my Mk. II Golf for something like 2000 euro with fresh mot and all. No rust, 160000 km on the counter and that was really cheap. I had it 12 years and spent around 16000 euro on parts alone secondhand and new, and then I did everything myself, incl balancing the crank, polishing the rods and stuff. It's never been a daily driver as i never needed it, but a fun car for spirited driving plus some highspeed drving across Europe. It never broke down even once. Never.

I felt to get something new, and I ended up with the Corrado as a good choice. I got it real cheap, and the show can repeat itself again. Not a daily driver, but the same as before plus some trackdays etc.

It's a fun hobby and a good traveling companion. Even my wife thinks so, even though she sat in a hard, I mean really hard Golf, over the roads of Europe. Not a hickup from neither her or the car.

I try to prevent, rather than heal, as it gives you more fun and lesser downtime, but it cost some money in the process, and is never a guarantee.


A new car is bound to give you a big loss. That's why some people gave the advice to buy a future classic and take good care of it, while driving it as well. I do so. Sorry guys, but Rieger and other Christmas stuff is often out of the equation in this math, except for certain well reknowned items.


For the investment part, I couldn't give a rats as... I bought it for the fun it gives. If I bougt it as an investment, I would restore it completely, and zip it into a environmental stable dry box, and sit down and wait. Since I did not, and life passes by, I will restore it, make a few mods to make it standard+, and enjoy it. There are other ways to invest money or at least other cars. Look how it went on the financial markets: sizzys all of them. I know because I did that for the better part of 10 years. I am sure everyone remember how Porsche went up and down with the yuppie age. It takes time to earn on this one. And certainly now, as there is a falling in value of items. And because of this we risk it ends up as a museumspiece, rather than being driven like it was intended to.


Anyway, I keep every single part I replace in storage, so it can anytime be reverted, down to the last nut and bolt ;) No driving in bad weather and no wintertime. Call me a nutcase if you like, but I take the bicycle or other means of transportation when going from a to b.


For the one who is interested in making money on a Corrado, I think it is like allways: buy it, take good care of it, and use only money you can afford to loose, be patient, as few kilometers as possible, keep ALL papers, and use VW spares in nealy most cases. In any case, I see it as a win-win.

Each to his own of course, and enjoying it on the way.


Gaz geben!




Edited by Redfox

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A few nights ago I went looking on the net for peoples reviews of the Corrado. Yes there were of course a few people who didn't like it. But I'd say 80% to 90% of people commenting on it liked or loved it. There was also one overriding theme that emerged; while some other cars of the era may technically be better, the Corrado has "something". They couldn't explain what it was but it has a certain character that is greater than the sum of its parts. I agree :)

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I like to think the C raises people senses in the same way that a Sierra RS Cosworth does when I see one of those. You know the person isn't driving it because they can't afford to drive anything else, more because appreciate the car for what it is.


At least we're not all driving fake retroboxes like the MINI or Fiat 500 (Jim excluded ;) )

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At least we're not all driving fake retroboxes like the MINI or Fiat 500 (Jim excluded ;) )


The Fiat 500 deserves all the good reviews it gets. I'm absolutely chuffed to bits with mine!

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Some cars was forgotten about, until someone made a revamped version like the fiat 500 or the mini. That made prices go shyhigh on the original ones. (Tip for a Corrado speculator) ;)



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