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Car Wrapping

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I don't want to have to get my car resprayed because that involves removing windows and alike and I don.t have any problems with rot so I cant see any other reason to do that. So I was thinking about wrapping, matt black was my first idea, but I have seen that a lot and it can be done pretty easily with rattle cans. So what I was thinking was a chrome wrap. although garish, it looks quite nice, on some top spec cars I have seen, after you get used to it, and I haven't seen it done before.


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chrome wrap would look crap. the surface finish on what ive seen isnt great so makes the whole thing look pants. plus the cost of a decent wrap is not far off a basic respray. whats the reason for the change in colour?

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I do this for a living mate and i would seriously hope you dont go chrome lol its really **** ! Matt black has been done but still looks ok i have a swatch at home and some of the colours are amazing . If you can do it as a trade its dead cheap but if your going to a company it will cost around a grandaybe more depending on the matariel price per square meter

If you want any more info giza shout

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i have seen a couple of cars with this now, some look ok and other looked terrible plus also seen one that someone must have scraped and pulled a bit off, looked terrible!! suppose easy enough to rewrap panel again but a just thought for the money like people have said you could almost get a respray!

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Its not the change in colour I wanted so much, its just that my cars fading a little, although after reading all this, i think i might just save for a whole respray in tornado red..

but I was quoted £800 for the whole car in wrap, so I could just go with the matt black, although engine bay and inside doors would look a bit sh!t as they are bright red

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personally I'd get a machine polisher on the paintwork... ive seen some pretty bad instanced of face which looked awesome after a detail!


my mate did this red"pink" corsa not long ago.... he's no pro, but it came up a treat....









considering how bad it was before. you cant grumble...







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thats impressive, but those wheels are :gag: lol.

my car has already had a respray(bad one) and they have tried to blend it and failed, also not taken the bump strips off to do so, so it cant really be fixed with a machine polisher I dont think! but good idea though

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the corsa owner could have just bought some t-cut :lol: ah, some people.


@OP, I think clingfilm would be the best wrap for the car. It will insulate the heat, will stop ice forming on bodywork in winter, and you will still be able to see through the windows :D

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