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OEM bonnet lifter - how to fit it back?

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I know, I know, a very silly question but I'm loosing my head.

My bonnet lifter was all rusted and ugly so removed it, cleared from rust and repainted black. Now tried to put it back ... and heh tried few times and can't get it back again.


Should I first mount rubber thing and then try to push the lifter into the rubber?


Should I put the rubber thing on the metal lifter first and then try to put it all back?


It may sound silly, but was fighting it for good hour and didn't get anywhere. Tomorrow my plan of attack is to put the rubber thing first, then apply some lubricate and push the lifter into it as hard as possible - unless you have any golden tips?


It is a normal OEM bonnet lifter, nothing special just piece of metal and a rubber "band-thing".

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Put the rubber in, lube up your bonnet stay, stick it in... Had to point mine in line with the passenger mirror, went straight in mate in under a minute....

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Put the rubber on, lube up your bonnet stay, stick it in... went straight in my mate in under a minute....


Too easy :lol:

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Put the rubber in, lube up your bonnet stay, stick it in... Had to point mine in line with the passenger mirror, went straight in mate in under a minute....


OK, thanks for advise, will do as I'm told.

A bit of lube and should go straight in... gosh that sound a bit odd ^^

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Well, tried your way.. aligning it with passenger side mirror and also applying lubricate and it worked like a dream.

I'm happy now, thanks

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