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Licence plates... fined by the po po

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So I rode my luck for 2 years, finally got busted this morning with Euro plates. Avoided the threatened £200 fine and 6 points, for voiding my insurance... **** knows if that's true but it scared me enough to grovel, I think he got off on it personally. The £60 fine he wrote me finished him off I reckons, the orgasmic expression on his smug face gave it away.


I know they're illegal... (not too sure why, I'm not buying it that their camera detection software is unable to pick it up, my PHONE can take a picture and detect any language and translate it)... they're not big and they're not clever... but they look soooo much better than those horrific looking standard UK plates.


Been looking into these, these seem legit.




Anyone got any?

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Hard luck about getting caught mate, i suppose you always run the risk without the proper plates!


I've got some pressed metal plates (much better than standard ones), as long as they have the small code on them they're legit, got mine done at santa pod raceway but most people seem to get them from dubmeister.

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UK Legal Pressed Metal Plates are really quite smart, have a look for a local supplier or hit up eBay.


Had some made up for the daily to remove the hideous, going orange rusty, plastic items that the car came with.




Tidies the front end up a treat.



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I had pressed plates from dubmeister for my old 16v, had no problems with them as they have the bs number on them. Looked really good aswell, i'd get some for my VR but selling it.

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UK Legal Pressed Metal Plates are really quite smart, have a look for a local supplier or hit up eBay.


Had some made up for the daily to remove the hideous, going orange rusty, plastic items that the car came with.



Who were they from? Tempted to replace mine since they've no BS AU mark.



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Just seen on Police Interceptors that they don't need the BS AU mark if they're pre-2001! I don't think they know what the right answer is :lol:



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Who were they from? Tempted to replace mine since they've no BS AU mark.



They are BS AU marked, if you looked very very careful but its super subtle hence why I went for them.


6 months down the line and not one tug from the 5-0 and a good 10k under my belt.


Check out TNWPlates on eBay: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/tnwplates

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I know they're illegal... (not too sure why, I'm not buying it that their camera detection software is unable to pick it up, my PHONE can take a picture and detect any language and translate it)... they're not big and they're not clever... but they look soooo much better than those horrific looking standard UK plates.


That is complete bull$h!t.euro plates are as reflective as uk ones even though letters are a bit smaller they can still be read from the same distance.infact they are easier to read than uk plates for some weird reason.Look at my avatar you will see my temporary plates for germany,normal ones are a bit different with the blue eu symbol and D. there is a proper spacing requirement and size in the uk for the letters and numbers on licence plates.

Its for MOT reasons so police can identify your VIN clearly,if they think your 'obstructing' your licence plate by having smaller letters or numbers or different font that makes it harder to read,they can pull you over and techinically make your car unroadworthy meaning your cars not legally alowed on the road and your insurance is void.

Sad but true.


Sorry to hear you got caught but as you said you were running the risk and knew sometime you were going to get caught ..just get legal plates on there and keep your rado on the road!!!!

Edited by dannyboy

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Just a little update... got my legal pressed plates from Dubmeister.


Happy with them, think they look goooood!! Although, the sticky strips I bought are a bit thick!!


Shoulda taken the pictures in the day so the flash didn't reflect so much but... meh, here they are :D

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Funny really, i got pulled the other night for the exact same thing as i was running pressed plates with the german mark on the side (D) which the original owner had fitted. Luckily he let me off as he was too busy looking round the car commenting how you don't see many on the road any more, just told me to get some legit ones fitted :)

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The main issue the rozzers have with plates that have a font which doesnt conform with the UK sizing as per MOT regulations blah blah is that any font different in sizing isn't recognised by their Auto number plates recognition cameras.

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I'm all for uniformity in number plates, to make ANPR work properly. I want as much chance as possible to catch people who drive off without paying for fuel, drive without tax / insurance, and most importantly steal our cars. Yes, it does stink of the nanny state, but there are many reasons why I'm all for it.

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It's a load of baloney. If Germany and other countries manage with pressed plates etc.. why can't we? Don't believe ANPR can't read them, it's legislation gone OTT.


I've heard the cops say to people that their plates were difficult to read and was very very tempted to tell them they should not be in the police as a 4year old would not have an issue. But then, you don't need any qualifications to be in the police, so most of them probably need big letters.

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Part of my job involves working with ANPR cameras, an ANPR camera can read plates as small as the ones seen commonly on motor bikes at a speed of 80 MPH.


The reasoning behind having a set size is so they can be easily read at a distance of 30 meters. Nothing to do with ANPR, i dont know where that arguement came from but it is false... Otherwise how would ANPR work with Arabic and Japanese/Chinese fonts?? and yes they do work with them as i have install such systems in these types of places.


The reason why the police say they are hard to read is because the ANPR system that is used in their vehicles is a very simplistic one and it does struggle with outsized plates. I saw this demonstrated on TV last night when the ANPR couldnt read the plate correctly but the guy sat in the driver seat could...

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Another good reason for pressed plates - while I was getting my gf's Mk1 cabrio towed to the garage by the AA (needed new dizzy cap and rotor arm) the muppet reversed hard into the front plate/mount with the towbar - loud clang and some swearing, but after 10 seconds bending by hand it was perfectly legible again :D A plastic one would have shattered...

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