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Slow wind when warm....

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Hi guys!


My heater air always seems to come out of the top window vents very slowly when I have it set to hot air. when i have it set to cold air it shoots out fine...


The motor is making a little squeaking noise every now and then but nothing drastic, the other vents work fine too... on both hot and cold. it's just the window "de-mist" vent that seems slow and only when hot :scratch:


any ideas? should I pop the dash out and get a look?

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It is unfortunately the only way you'll know what's going on. How are your heater controls - do they all slide freely?

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Simple physics, the cold air is sucked directly from outside, the hot air has to pass over the matrix.


You might also find the foam on your heater selection flaps is past its best furthur degrading performance.

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Indeed. If you've had to do your heater matrix in the past, it's quite possible it's disintegrated the foam on the flaps in the main airbox that, as Yan says, helps seal and direct airflow.. you can effect DIY repairs though quite effectively for not much cost! :)

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