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corrado wannabe

What are the chances???

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Not sure about other areas in the UK, but here in Central Scotland I very rarely see another Corrado.

Yesterday finally got a hold of a trailer to move the Corrado from my folks house up to our house in Stirling to get it into a cosy wee garage so I can get to working on it. On the way up what do I pass.......another Aqua Blue Metallic Corrado heading the opposite direction!!!

Me and my Dad p1ssed ourselves laughing after I had been banging on about how rare these are on the roads now!!


So if it was anyone on here with the "M" reg Aqua, it looked very nice.



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I'm in Glasgow and drive mine to work 2 or 3 times a week - north to southside and back, and usually don't see any except a Storm parked in a drive near me

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