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Tristan H

is my front engine mount gone , or the rear?

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When the car is cold , sometimes it idles unevenly , and as a result , it starts "pogo-ing" in traffic , quite annoying . 2.0 16v btw . How much give should there be on the front and rear mounts ? And what are the best ones to use , we used to use Diesel ones on the MK1 golfs.

Edited by Tristan H

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id guesse your front one has gone. which to use im unsure but i know that the diesel mount for the gearbox are transferable and stiffen things up.


try rocking the engine by hand and see which mount looks to be loose, worn, split.

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Easy test for front mount check is to have a mate observe the engine with the bonnet open, while you apply the handbrake firmly, put the car in gear, and gently apply load to the engine by easing up the clutch. The object is not to move the car forward, but moreover just to apply load onto the front engine mount. If the mount is faulty the engine will be clearly seen to have excessive upward rotational movement at the front.



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