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Someone needs sacked and charged....

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Just felt jumping about on the bonnet and smashing the window,eventually, was a bit OTT

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He should have stopped, granted.


However that absolute maniac, hacking at the window and the spineless pussy on the bonnet /roof need to take a reality check. If the guy had just committed an armed robbery, hit and run, vehicle theft, car-jacking etc I would be 100 percent behind the police for making sure things were brought to a close quickly, regardless of the feelings of the driver, regardless of the damage caused.


This was clearly not the case.



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I remember seeing this when it happened, I thought at the time that it was completely over the top. I wonder how people on here would feel if it were there father or grandfather? These policemen were nothing more than maniac bullies!

I once had four of the **** attack me with side handled battons because I called someone a c*nt in front of them. All four were pathetic and couldn't fight there way out of a paper bag! Time to call for reinforcements lads!......The judge was not happy with them!

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He failed to stop. Look at any police chase videos and failing to stop always gets the police's backs up. Sure, the punishment didn't fit the crime but he brought it upon himself FFS....



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The man had stopped, they gave him no chance to get out! Whatever had happened before, there was no justification for this. He was not trying to escape, he was not violent, he had not robbed anyone nor murdered. Watch the witness in the background, he is in my opinion, not happy with their behavior and he's at the scene!

They were violent bullies, the judge agreed or they wouldn't have paid out.

We have the right, if we suspect they are not real policemen, to drive to the nearest police station without getting out.

Who the hell do these policemen think they are? They give decent coppers a bad name! Police service or police force? I was under the impression the UK had the former?

I hate bullies!!!!

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He was not trying to escape, he was not violent, he had not robbed anyone nor murdered.


17 minutes driving after the blues n' two's went on? If I was an Officer I would see that as either giving them the run around or trying to escape. His windows were illegally tinted so they probably wouldn't have even known they were smashing the window of a 71 year old pensioner. Could have been a drug dealer (it is a Range Rover after all) ready to shoot an officer the minute they stopped.


If you knew me better, then you'd know i've got all the reason in the world to hate the Police. But, if the Police want you to stop your car you stop, smile and be pleasant and if necessary fight your corner with words on the roadside. Using the excuse "I thought they were escorting me" shows either ridiculous contempt or mind-numbing stupidity and I hope he had his licence revoked because of it.

Edited by Pat_McCrotch

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His windows were illegally tinted so they probably wouldn't have even known they were smashing the window of a 71 year old pensioner. Could have been a drug dealer (it is a Range Rover after all) ready to shoot an officer the minute they stopped.


The police had already stopped the driver for not wearing a seatbelt, the video shows what happened when they caught him again after he drove off. They knew exactly who he was, how old he was. How much force was appropriate, whether he had a gun or whether he was a drug dealer or not.

That is the whole point of this story.......................................

This is why 'most' people are outraged by it............................

They knew exactly what they were dealing with and abused a 71 year old man.


My dad is the same age, if I ever saw anyone manhandle him like that, especially a police offer. I would make them wish they'd never been born.

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Thanks for that Andy, I got far too bored to explain the sailent points of the case. I identify fully with your last line, and that was part of my point, that was someones dad or grandad.

Those "men" were nothing but outright bullies and a f*cking disgrace to the police uniform! Anyone who can't see that, can't see anything!

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