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No "Shrek" - any other ideas?

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OK, almost went for a "Shrek" (hmm) manifold but decided against it. Main reason is that I actually like taking the VR up to 6,000 PRM and scaring pedestrians with my K&N as I nail it in 2nd. I drove Euan's "Shrek'd" VR recently and it is an excellent modification to make as you can make serious progress without hoing above 4,000 RPM. Just does not suit my style of driving.


I am not averse to spending £1,500 on the VR so what engine mods would you spend the cash on to improve power?


Current thoughts are: Front/rear engine mounts, big bore Throttle Body, re-map, 268 cams. Anyone know how the performance readings would be after this lot?





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If you combine the Schrick (can I know why you guys call is a Shrek?) with 268 or 274 cams then the car retains is stock-like power band....swift kick to the ass at 4000 but then pulling all the way to redline. The cams make up for the Shcrick's lack of flow at high RPMs.


Cams are supposed to give something like 15hp, big-bore TB is more for throttle response than anything else. Chip, cams, and exhaust will go a long way and Im sure you'ld have fun with it.

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If you combine the Schrick (can I know why you guys call is a Shrek?)


That's my fault. I have a warped sense of humour. I christened it 'Shrek' purely because it sounds like 'Schrick', no other reason. Not because the manifold is green and ulgy, although that can be arranged with some choice paintwork :lol:



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No, but I do have a Miltek.


Can anyone tell me what difference fitting a set of new cams and getting a re-chip will do? Is it simply more top end power or does the whole power-band change?

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