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Am I sad?

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Got this made last year when they were on something like ' Get a -shirt for a pound' on-line.


What'd y'all think?! Cool or sad? I get the urine extracted frequently by non-Corrado loving friends...lol



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Not something I'd personally wear but.. to each his own and all that :)

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T-shirt, fine, no different to someone branding themselves in whatever the latest fashion name is.

Taking a picture of yourself in it posting it on here?!!! Er slightly odd but very funny. Good on ya!

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It's only sad if it has ford over it... Have thought about it myself, using the pen drawing from the bentley manual ;)

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In my defence, I was bored in work one afternoon and wanted to see how a clients website worked as we were doing work for them. Was the only pic I had handy.


The reactions i get when I wear it reflect pretty much those on here! lol Some point point and ask incredulously if that's my car, some just laugh and think it's funny and others question my sanity.


Ah well...long live the Corrado! :)

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