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organising a rolling road day..

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IF i can, i would like to try to organise a rolling road day, or if some else could,. i would need to speak to a local tuners, Austec racing in gatwick first but who would be up for that.! G60 vs VR6.. emm. that given me an idea.. :lol:

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i was next door to austec once getting some work done and they have a FTO Members Club day and was well cool, they are really friendly guys and seriously know their sh1t abt tuning and can host a good meet,,,,,,, but they specialise in TVR'S so beware they may be expensive. Naturally i be there as its a few mins drive from my crib 8)

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austec are the only rolling road centre around here, they dont do vw tuning , they are tvr and ford peolple. but they are good blokes i supose. i have'nt asked them yet but i'm sure we could, i phone them and see how much and avalibillity. ect, i'll try for... 12 cars, that should keep em busy, may be end of next month,

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bv - theres one in Dorking if you have no luck with Austec (must admit Austec would be good so i can get a true comparison with the bhp figure i got there back in Jan04)

Think Inter's is on the 8th May so id leave a clear cpl of weeks between the RR day and this so cars can get fixed if they do a wobbly on the rollers! lol :wink:

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g-lader, the one in dorking was austec, they moved. end of the high street, in a back ally.

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