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can i change all the locks and ignition barrel??

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i only have 1 key for the C, and i dont 100% trust the guy i got it off, so i was wondering if i could change all the locks and barrel for a different key??

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Buy a new ignition lock, and then re-tumble all of the other locks !

(ignition can't be tumbled) there is an how-to in the exterior forum

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I tried to get some tabs to re-tumble one handle and my not-so-friendly dealer said i had to buy a kit. £59 plus vat for enough tabs to do 4 handles.


Told him to bugger off.

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If you ask your local indy VW place they'll usually have a pile of the wafers around - normally you reuse the springs and tumbler but if they're damaged you'll have to order new ones or nab some off a breaker on here. It's worth giving them a week or so's soak in WD40 first, jammed wafers get very very stuck! If necessary you can drive them out with a small screwdriver and hammer while they're held in a vice - I used an automatic centrepunch (carefully!) to get them moving the first couple of mm as the sudden shock helps shear the corrosion that holds them in place. Some of them will be beyond salvation but if it's totally stuck it will still turn if you can get the stuck wafer lined up with the tumbler - may not work for the middle wafers (you may not be able to get the key through it to the rear wafers, depends on how it's cut) but it does for the last one. It will be slightly less secure if you do this as you'll be relying on the other wafers to lock the tumbler to the barrel when no key is inserted.



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