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G60 vs Civic TypeR

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Yes its very stiff and does really get into corners well despite what one would think. Does really hold the road well. Torque steer is shocking. Yes it did bump steer and move about loads under braking. Its an undriveable car in the wet when you want to go fast - I understand it has high power and is fwd but it really is scarily bad. Gear change is great. Looks slightly camp but it is really good for the driver. :lol: I wonder if my friends has a problem, as in comparison to your above experience, his must be the peakiest of peaky cars! I mean the power band is a mere 2.5k useable revs from the redline back down basically.

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Nah this silver one felt really strong from idle to about 6000K, then it kind of went to sleep!


I don't think I could have lived with it if I bought one. The roads around here are shocking and most bumps were jarring! 45 profile 17s doesn't help matters!



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Know y'all talking Type R's, but gotta say my 1.8VTI-S (which is quite similar) pulls pretty well from standstill, and in all gears too (- it has around the same torque as the 2.0 16v C which ain't bad after all). When the VTEC kicks in it's pretty awesome too- the sound is absolutely incredible- but only because of the cold air intake I have on it :wink: :twisted: It doesn't sound particularly good as standard.


As said earlier though, it can become very tiring to drive fast- unlike a G60 or VR

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I finally got a piece of my mates CTR last night on a dual carrigeway and a bit of the twisty stuff. In all honesty there wasn't that much between my G60 and his. From low down I had him big time, but then the vtec kicked in, and he levelled up. Round the country lane though I made a right mess of him, the main reason being, the lanes are full of really tight bends and there's not much chance of getting to the top of the rev range, so the low down torque of the G60 really helpped.


Can't fault it though, it's a quick car.


I'll drive over him though, once the X-Flow is up and running :lol:

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get that xfkow on there and he will be sad he spent so much on the CTR! very good car tho if you are prepared to rag it. I wouldn't fancy racing one if it was a good driver.

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My mate has a standard CTR on a 52 plate, and ive got to say that it is rapid, its defo quicker than a G60 i hate to say and gotta disagree with Kev when i say that in the vtec band it pulls like a train and also gotta disagree about the noise, I love it although different to a charger, turbo or V6 it sounds awesome, I had a VTi-S when the R came out and had a play with a couple of CTR's and they all whipped me easily and mine was no slouch.

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They are very hard to beat- If you think a nicely set up Ibiza K03S or Leon 225 will prob beat a CTR 0-60 and 1/4 mile but the CTR still tops out at 146 and thats as standard.

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As you can see, there is little point in wringing the engine round to the rev cutoff (8,900rpm) as it develops it's peak torque and power way before that. People just do it for the noise, which sound shite imo anyway. Just sounds like your Gran's Singer sewing machine that's had double the normal voltage put into it.



The reason for taking it round to the limiter is so you are closer to the optimal engine speed after changing gear. If you changed at 7200, then you'd be out of vtec in the next gear.



They are thrashy! There is NOTHING low down until the v tech kicks in imo. Its the most annoying car to drive fast. Give me a nice big torque figure that pulls well in any gear anyday, over a thrashy drop two cogs and change gear loads to make progress CTR.


You'd prob be better off with an automatic gearbox too - take the stress out of driving ;)


If you floor a ctr in say 4th at 30mph your waiting an age for the car to move with any urgency..its almost like waiting for the worlds biggest turbo to spool up.

I'm not quite sure what this proves? :? Maybe it proves that you're in completely the wrong gear, and should instead be in 2nd?

Unless it's a new sport - "Boot it in 4th gear @ bicycle speeds"

..might catch on ;)


For a track day yeah, but I personally cant see the appeal for a daily driver.


The whole point of vtec is to have 1 cam profile for daily driving with good fuel economy, low engine noise blah blah. And 1 cam profile for performance requirements, like say, trackdays?!

I fail to see your point. :)

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and gotta disagree with Kev when i say that in the vtec band it pulls like a train and also gotta disagree about the noise


LOL, you're entitled to your opinions... the one I drove must have been a duffer then because I can honestly say it did sweet FA in the VTEC zone other than make a lot of noise. It had about 16K on the clock and was a dealer demonstrator. It was an early one so had the steering issue aswell(constant tug to the left) which I also had to contend with. He did check the oil before we went out though as low oil affects the cam hydraulics.


The steering and the lack of the infamous VTEC grunt left a bitter taste in my mouth.


The amusing thing was, the dealer said "Right, on this slip road, hold it in 3rd, floor it and then hang on..." LOL...Well I hung on and we trundled onto the dual carriageway sedatlely pulling 8000rpm, LOL!


Things I did like about it though :-


Mega rigid body shell.

Fantastic turn-in.

Good brakes

Awesome gear change


And that's it.... the rest was a let down I'm sorry to say.

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Don't think you'd be eating an IHI turbo car for breakfast tho, she canny take the poower captin! LOL


Yeah, you're most probably right on that one :lol:


I guess I'd better change my sig :D

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nah it's fine I think, helps with a bit of banter now and again. So what exactly have you got and what mods? is it a 1990's Civic with an uprated engine? or an ITR? must be very nice if your doing 1/4 mile in 14.1

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nah it's fine I think, helps with a bit of banter now and again. So what exactly have you got and what mods? is it a 1990's Civic with an uprated engine? or an ITR? must be very nice if your doing 1/4 mile in 14.1


It's an '89 CRX (non-vtec version) with an ITR (1.8 vtec) engine + other bits :D


But yeah, it's torque-less when compared to G60s & VR6s i.e. the performance drop is pretty obvious when you start adding passengers to it ;)

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wow, very nice car. One of my favourite old school hot htatches that, I almost bought one, they certainly seem to be holding there value well. So do you want to get a C then?

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wow, very nice car. One of my favourite old school hot htatches that, I almost bought one, they certainly seem to be holding there value well. So do you want to get a C then?


Cool. And yes, I'm looking to get a 2nd car for the daily commute (the more I mod the CRX, the less comfortable it becomes ;) ) so the C is on my shortlist :D


But I did say a few years back that I would never buy 'non-jap' cars again........we'll see ;)

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good luck then, I almost got a nice 200 before the C, I'm not a massive VW fan but I do really like the C obviously and MK1/2 gti's, oh and the MK5 gti looks like a nice car aswell.

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