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threeweeks if hell

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hi all.

I've had a proper crap few weeks and thought i get it off my chest

valentines day my 10 year marriage ended. although amicable i struggled for a bit

and got down. by the weekend we talked and sorted out what was gonna happen and was coping.

haven't told kids yet and we're still living together while we find her

a house to rent. im keeping the house on my own.


then on 29 my friend and workmate got killed in a motor bike

tradegy 200 yards from work. i took the phone call. devastated.

i had to tell all employees as im the boss and try to keep it together.


the next day i find out partner has been txting a old flame who i also know.

she had told me she had a couple of times. which i accepted.

i then had the phone bill her phones on my contract and its been everyday since three days before

we ended it.

first thing in morning ...last thing at night..

when i asked her she said she didn't know the number but

admitted it in the end.

she even was txting him while comforting me.


i knew it was over but we had agreed to be open and amicable.i asked her more than once if there was

someone she liked to which she said no


so here i am trying to build a new life..and not getting very far.


anyway thanks for listening..at least its off my head

:-( :'(

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Sorry to hear that mate. Really sorry.


You'll find a way to get over it though and you'll end up happier for it.


I hope things work out for you though fella. :)

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck mate *man hug*


Just fight on through and things will be better.


Least you have the corrado to focus on

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thanks guys....that's why im.keeping the house...just for my double garage...:-)

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thanks guys....that's why im.keeping the house...just for my double garage...:-)


Sorry to hear of your difficult times, it does ease them to share them - as hopefully you have and are finding.


I kept the house when my marriage split up - knowing I needed to keep some familarity of surroundings for comfort and let my hubby have the Golf 16V GTI which was mega hard. Ours was amicable - he would bring the car round periodically for me to take for a drive !


As hard as it is - please tell the children sooner than later and watch out for any changes in them. I would let school know too, it means an eye can be kept on them.

Please do consider Counselling for them and you - it can be helpful.


Then................ totally through yourself into something - whether the Corrado's upkeep, even just washing and polishing will assist getting rid of pent up frustrations and keep you focused through hard times. Fortunately Spring/Summer is on its way - there are quite a few Corrado meets - join in them we are a friendly bunch, the more you go to the moe likely you are to make some good friends especially the weekend ones.


Take care of yourself. M & S do nice meals for when cooking is too much to consider.




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Very sorry to read about all this. What a crap time :( As the others have said, keep fighting and hope you find a way through all this soon. Chin up, and focus on the C

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thanks again....so far the c is the only thing putting a smile on my face...

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I agree with Wendy - even more so given your last post. If the C is the positive, put all your energy into that. The progress that you make will give you something to feel good about, plus give you more excuses to go for a drive and make you smile :) Post your progress on here, and I'm sure you'll receive lots of encouragement too! I'm agreeing with Wendy again... definitely get yourself to some local meets. Show season is so so close now, so how about giving yourself some targets like getting something or other fixed or smartened up before a particular show to help you keep your focus? I know it's much easier said than done, but going to some meets and making new friends will be a fresh start and give you a break from it all. Good luck :)

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so right...c needs quite a lot but i will be at meets

gotta get back on my feet and start looking forward

thanks for the comments

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Hi dubnut. I can sympathize with your situation somewhat. One of my oldest friends (known since about 3 years old) committed suicide on Sunday night, i've basically been a zombie for the last week and because of work only just had a chance to visit where he hung himself and lay some flowers :( Although I only occasionally saw him in the later years i'm currently finding it hard to deal with if i'm honest, especially when I walk past places we used to hang around.


All I can say is make sure you have someone to talk to (physical, not the internet!). I've found speaking to friends (even ones that didn't know him) has helped me get some of that pressure off. We are living in some odd and stressful times at the moment and I think people need friends more than ever.

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I can't add much advice but sorry to hear if what you're going through and try to stay as positive as you can. I have a couple of friends in similar situations and while it seems a nightmare at the start, time does heal gradually.

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Hi buddy sorry to hear your troubles but as said better to get off your chest.


Agree that focus on something outside the relationship will defo help.


From past experiences not as harsh as yours granted, but defo talk to friends and dont try be a 'proper man' and bottle things up as this make things only worse. As said before though defo speak to friends as good friends although good at taking the p***, will if good friends be there to listem and help. As I think BT says its good to talk.


Agreed get to some shows and talk to folk cause generally n=most are very friendly


all the best mate

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all i can say mate is times a great healer, i was cheated on by my ex of 10 years about 15 months ago, and loads more ****e that followed, but i'm a stronger person for it happening and have found someone that i can honestly say i love more than i ever did my ex, it does not feel like it at the moment but you will recover from it mate.


just hang in there mate.

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thanks for the support everyone....new week tomorrow

time to start looking forward and not back...

maybe i should start a 'full nut n bolt life rebuild' thread... lol

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Terrible news all round and hope you battle through it out and come out a better person for it. Hopefully the Corrado can be your passport to some enjoyable days out over the coming months :)

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Does she have a dog?


Hmmm. Maybe my usual brand of advice might not be best for this situation. Sorry! :grin:


Not much more to add really. Lots of good advice. Surround yourself with your friends and family. As hard as it sounds, don't dwell on things too much.


Ask anyone who has been in a similar situation, but a few years down the line, if they are better off. 99% of the time the answer is yes. New partner, new home, new job etc. You'll kick yourself in a year's time for being so down about things (although it's understandable).

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Some great advice and great people on here. I've only been to one national day meet last year but this car lets you meet some of the friendly-est car people around. This forum can help people in times of trouble as there are the best people using it.


Tough it out mate and the pain eases with time. Oh and buy a bare shell to rebuild, that'll sort your time out!!!

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dog route ain't good...we got two between us lol

i must say this is a great forum and members are ace


when the rados broke you all try n fix it...when life breaks

you all offer advice

i take my hat off to you and thank you all

i will no doubt see some of you this year no matter the condition

of my c


thanks guys n gals ..head is getting clearer

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Normally my cure all advice tends to consist of red wine and real ale, with the occasional incursion by ants, I, for once suggest that you refrain from sitting with a glass of your favourite tipple reminiscing on the past. Immerse yourself in all thing new, get outside your comfort zone and do something different. You could even try writing a poem. Worked for me at a really bad time following the Lockerbie disaster. Now I'm a full time poet, nay troubadour, as I was described in the festival programme. Point being was I pushed myself in a different direction that put my problems on the back burner.

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well a little update..

picked myself up and got back on my horse..

planned loads of work to the rado

and someone ran into the back of it !!!!!

but as they say every cloud....


met a bloke who works for the same company

as me who was having issues with his rado

owned for two years drive for six months..starting

problems and mot failure on emissions...anyway

lack of love for it and too much for his camper

he basically gives me the car and says pay me when you

sell yours.....

unbelievable...only known the guy five mins

so every cloud has a silver lining and in this case its

a satin silver valver ....

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Glad to hear things are finely going your way.

Quite a result I would say - well on the car front anyway.


Has everything else settled too ?

Do hope so.

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