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Agreed Valuation on normal private policy (not Classic). Advice needed.

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The Corrado is on a Classic Policy, due for renewal soon. I have max NCB but last had a bonus earning policy nearly 2 years ago. So I need to put the Corrado on a regular, non-classic, policy to preserve the NCB (most insurers seem to do max. 2 years ago).


Does anyone know of an Insurer with a private policy which also does Agreed Value? I have tried a few but the Corrado is not old enough with some to get the option?


What if I get a regular policy for a week, and then terminate it for another Classic Policy? Will the NCB be 'refreshed' to 2012, rather than the current 2010? [Edit: This does not work as the policy will not have been in effect for a year, so the NCB date will not change].



Edited by neuon2003

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Have you tried Peter D James? My vr is with them but not on a classic policy that has a good agreed value too!

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Adey Flux do modified agreed value no classic insurance Andrew, worth a shot


---------- Post added at 4:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:14 PM ----------


Have you tried Peter D James? My vr is with them but not on a classic policy that has a good agreed value too!


reckon they do modded stuff matey?

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I remember someone going with them with a few mods mate so worth a try, i've had policys with some of the above too over the years.


If you need an independant valuation as per your insurers for the agreed value you know where to come, as a car club official I can do that too ;) something else you £10 membership gets you lol!

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Thanks for the suggestions Paul, Vince, Chris. I'll give that lot a go and report back. Cheers Paul for the reminder on the CCGB benefit. I don't even think I am going to get to drive the darn thing this year. So this will just be for my NCB and so Bruny can drive it round his yard :cheers:.

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Guys a bit off topic but when getting an agreed valuation that takes into account mods etc do you have to have all your receipts for parts etc?


I ask because mines got the 24v done by psi but while I've got receipts for everything else that's the one receipt that's missing and is obviously the main attraction with my car lol.




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HIC are very good. Bin with them 2 years now for both my bay camper and Corrado. Will be insuring my beetle with them too wen she's back together. Cheap to.



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No providing whoever does the valuation for you has a bit of an idea on how much is involved with costs to do such a project etc.


Thing to remember though is that no car is ever valued on what is actually spent, but more a case of what would need to be spent should the car need to be replaced. If that makes sense! :)


In essence i would look at costs to do a conversion like that and add that to the cost of a tidy well looked after example which may be currently for sale.

Edited by KIPVW

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Oh lord my valuation should be pretty hefty then lol.


Thanks Kip... :)

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