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Tightening that crankshaft bolt-16v 9A engine

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I thought this photo and a few words might give you all some ideas: this problem seeems to pop up from time to time.


I have a 10" Black and Decker angle grinder and used one of its spanners and a G clamp to hold the crankshaft whilst tightening the bolt. I torqued it up in stages to get confidence that the spanner would hold OK. But if you dont have the B&D spanner, a similar approach would be to simply drill a couple of holes in 1 or 2 pieces of flat bar, use a couple of bolts to attach them to the splined wheel, and then to clamp the bar(s) to the bracket as shown here.


I used this technique when I relaced my timing belt and then again to dismantle everything to change the crackshaft oil seal.


Usual disclaimer: follow my ideas at your own risk!!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]62357[/ATTACH]

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Ingenious, but you don't need to remove the crank timing belt pulley to change the belt???

Also, the crank bolts are stretch and should be replaced if removed. I think I'd rather use bolts in a metal strip/plate or you risk damaging the threads in the pulley.

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Ingenious, but you don't need to remove the crank timing belt pulley to change the belt???

Also, the crank bolts are stretch and should be replaced if removed. I think I'd rather use bolts in a metal strip/plate or you risk damaging the threads in the pulley.


Agree with everything you say. The bolt should be renewed. When I replaced my timing belt, I was unable to separate the alternator/waterpump pulley and the crankshaft toothed wheel in situ. I undid the bolt in order to dismantle, then managed to separate them. Obviously the bolt has to be removed to replace the seal.


I am surprised no-one has come up with a locking tool using the principle I've outlined.

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Yeah, those pulleys do sieze together. Was just checking about the bolt. :)

I'm sure there's a vw tool for locking the pulley, changing a clutch I use a metal plate and two bolts to undo the clutch or flywheel, I'd do the same on the crank or use a heavy duty air gun :)

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