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Coolent leak! Need Help!

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my car has been loosing coolant recently and think i may have found the problem!

its seem to be leaking from a little screwin cap thing on the hard hose that runs along the front of the block i have it circled in this picture

this was the best picture i could get?

what is this part?


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Hard to make out on that photo. What engine?, and can you take a photo from a little further back to get an idea of where it is exactly on the block.

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prety sure thats the coolant distribution pipe , A.k.A Crack pipe, there known to get brittel over time and crack as there made from plastic,

look at the pic in this link, you see theres a bung on the far left side, well that could be where its comming from,


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ok guys cheers gunna get the front bumper and rad off today and have a proper look at it :) thatll give me an excuse to do a full coolant change as well

cheers for the help

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Yup, thats the crack pipe, while your at it, you might as well replace the thermostat housing too, as once they come off, they dont usally go back on without leaking...

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