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PICS of my 2.0L 16v COLD AIR FEED ;-)

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heres some pics












cool ehhhh?


heres also some pic of my new door things as mine broke yestoday LOL


i love setting my car alarm of in the middle of a sainsburys car park *parked accross 2 disabled bays* :lol: then climbing into my car through the boot !!!!! :lol: i got some strange looks allright....






sorry mods i know you love me really... LOL i still cant get the upload thing to work!!! :mad:

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Very nice, Never thought about putting it there :o

then come to think about where are the two horns which are there on my car ?.... and you haven`t got great big lump of metal there either(charger)

Where did you get that red funnel type thingy from ?

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nice one Chris.... thats another thing i need to do after my engine re-build

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Thats a very tidy mod! I like! Got a few questions...


1) Is there a major noise increase after this?

2) What are the gains? Performance etc..?

3) What bits and pieces did you use?


Thanks in advance


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Parking across tossy Mother & Baby' spaces I can agree with.... :lol: , but not Disabled Bays! :x Cold air mod looks good, but as the man says, the door locks will now corrode / dull. Can always fit some 'late' black plastic lock covers instead though! :lol:

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Parking across tossy Mother & Baby' spaces I can agree with.... :lol: , but not Disabled Bays! :x


Sorry why is it ok to park accross mother and baby spaces?

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Haha, knew someone would bite at that one :lol: Because being disabled isn't a choice, having a child is! Sorry, it's only my bloody minded opinion after having a run in with a managaress at Sainsburys. Never seen why the rest of the world should have to park further away and someone else who happens to have chosen to have a child gets to park nearer. Obviously disabled people however have a valid reason to need to park nearer. BTW I have had a child!....


......running for cover now! :lol:


BTW, before this goes too off topic, has there been a noticeable performance improvement with the air mod.?

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yeah! I always park in the mother and child spaces, out of principal. Hate children in supermarkets and hate people bashing my doors in! :roll:

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did the same air feed point as chris a while ago, got it aiming at a 2" hole in the airbox!!! did the holey 'box mod a couple of years ago, but went a bit mad in anticipation of being given a filter for nothing, and suddenly found myself with no snorkel, and, 3 more 2" holes :oops: . i'd revved it on the drive and thought it not too loud,' couldn't understand the fuss about induction roar' :roll: , until i booted it up the road :twisted: , nearly wet myself :lol:. induced a few friends to do the same :lol:. mod that is!!

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Chris, where did you get the red port thing from? Am planning to do this over the weekend... wouldn't mind having a look at your's first if poss?



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I avoid parking anywhere near the mother and child parking bays, as theirs no-one worse for putting dents in your door then an over excited kid flinging the door open, straight in to your pride and joy!

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yup flusted, guess correct 0.99p maplin clearout and i sprayed it....


sorry for long delays i locked myself out of the fourm... oppppps.. LOL cheers andi i was getting withdrawel sysmtoms




errrrr throttle seams a TAD 0.001 more responcive at high speeds due to the extra air flow of cold air...

and total cost of installation....


99p for the bass reflex tube... lol

£4.49 ducting tube

and a load of spray paint... LOL



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Looks spot on and at the above cost its a wonder VW dont do it across the range. this got me thinking. What happens if rain water gets in. I'm thinking that as it hits the front of the car at speed it could work its way back to the filter.


I'm guessing that either this doesnt make any difference or there is a trick for this. Also a few cars like the new mini S and the renault 19 hand bonnet mounted air in takes so they must have dealt with the water issue but how? Thats if it is in fact a issue




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Are they actually air intakes though Tony? Are they not just a method of cooling the engine bay?

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no they feed the cold air into the REPLACEMENT AIR BOX.... it is a foam filter not a standad therfore is has 360 o entry so i decived to do this coz it was drawing hot air from the engine.... HEAT sheild comming next....

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Chris - I think you may have misinterpreted what I was saying. I was commenting on the Mini and Renault 19 intakes, not yours.


How does a 360 degree entry work?

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