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It is with heavy heart that I announce the demise of my beloved Rado, about 4 weeks ago whilst reversing off the parking area at work I hit a car that some muppet had left in the middle of the yard and stupid me backed into it,not a lot of damage to the rice burners rear quarter panel but the Rado was a different matter all together,back panel pushed in rear light cluster smashed,bumper pushed in and exhaust bent. to say I was gutted would be an understatement so I informed the insurance company and took it to be looked at, to my astonishment they told me it was not "economically viable" to repair it and told me someone would be in touch,about 2 weeks later said person phoned me and informed me that the were prepared to offer me a £1000 minus the £150 excess minus %26 if I decided to buy the vehicle back from them as a "Cat D" write off.


The cars never had an easy life as it gets used everyday and has been incredibly reliable but at the last MOT time was obviously catching up with the old girl and a lot of money needed to be spent to keep her roadworthy (25 advisories),so I verbally smacked the guy round the head and beat him up to £1500 minus the excess,couple of days later a company turned up with a recovery vehicle to take her away (I wasn't there I left that to the wife) the guy told her it was going to auction as a damage repairable, I had H983 ELF for 10 years and put over 70k on her.


I took the money and bought a Mk4 Golf GTI,couldn't in all honesty buy anything other than a VW, it's a cracking drive with full leather heated seats,FSH,and 17" Nuvolaris and not a mark on her.


I will always have nothing but fond memories of my Rado and miss her.

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Ahh - so sad and part of the family if you had her for 10years. I am sure you will miss her and her quirkyness that they all get.


To be honest sounds like you did not do too badly out of the Insurers, of course the ideal would have been a repair, but with 25 advisors on MOT, I think you did OK. Main thing is that it was not an accident in which you or anyone else was hurt, very frustating none the less.


Enjoy the Mk4 Golf until you come back into the fold - most do !!!!!

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very sorry to hear about poor ELF, but as Wendy says, at least no-one was hurt. Hope you enjoy your Golf, but there are always Corrados looking for a good home should you decide you need another at some point!

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I sold my Corrado and bought a Mk4 Golf 1.8t, did loads to it, and then spent a year trying to get my Corrado back, which I eventually did. Now I have both I am happy, but my Mk4 could never replace the Corrado.

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I'm sorry to hear of your loss :(


Another Golf + Corrado owner here. I love both in different ways. Both nice cars. But I only have the Golf because I have a family.

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