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Ground control camber plate and kw v1s

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Hello fellow enthusiasts ;)

I'm thinking of buying a pair of ground control camber plates for my KW variant 1s. I was wondering if anyone has this combo an if it's a worthwhile percase? Also what spring diameter was selected for the V1s?? Any help would be much appreceated.

Thanks Phil.

Edited by Rado89

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Springs are 2.5" ID and yes, they're a good mod when used in full caster mode, rather than camber. Corrados already have enough camber for the road, they just need more caster. I used MED top plates. Same concept as the Ground Control ones, but made differently. I had them in max caster mode and straight line stability and cornering both improved markedly.


The only downside is the spherical bearings don't last at all. They'll be spent by 2000 miles, tops.

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Awesome, cheers for the head up. 2000 miles tops, hmm. And is there any mods required for fitting (cutting drilling etc??)

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