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Lots of tiny nicks and chips - Do I need a new windscreen?

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To the casual observer, my windscreen looks fine. However what is apparent when you peer more closely at is, is that it is covered in tiny little nicks and chips in the class. We're talking pin head size up to the size of a pencil tip. From inside the car it looks like pollen or dust on the screen when very bright sunlight shines across it.


How this has happened... I've no idea as the paintwork is gleaming in comparison.


Now none of the chips are serious or unrepairable... but the sheer quantity of them would suggest they wouldn't be repaired. But should the screen be replaced? I WANT it replaced because of these imperfections, but does anyone know if the screen would be deemed needing replaced or not? I'd rather go through my insurance than pay myself, but I'd forgo new wheels just to get it done if I have to.

Edited by mookie

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I don't have the answer but will be watching as I have loads of little chips.


Are the majority of yours on the passenger side??

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lol if you were going down that road get it organised before you do it atleast then you can still drive it, also paint damage and rust can come from windscreen replacement especialy with the corrado, so its not something you want to rush!,

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A far as I'm aware most insurers have a limit on the number chips they'll get repaired before replacing the whole screen. Mine had 3 chips in field of vision and they replaced it, mine looked like you described as well, so much better with new screen.

If you call the insurer and explain that it causes lots of glare when sun is on it they might agree to do it anyway.

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I'm not going to hit it with a hammer ha ha sorry


I'm going to get onto the insurance and see about getting it inspected. Some of these chips are a mm or so deep so not just a cosmetic issue imho

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