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replacment auto gearbox

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i have been told that my auto box is no more 3rd gear clutch has had it . can you tell from the codes and a test run ? who knows ? anyway a rebuild is about £1200 but VW quote £1100 + vat is this right or are some other parts going to be required. it seems unbelievable that a rebuild is more than a new box from VW .

the car has done 180000 is it worth it or should i crush it

comments anyone before i decide what to go for ?

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If it really is knackered, it's totally up to you and your budget.....


Drop in:


A 2nd hand VR lump

A 20vT

A jet engine


Both of the realistic options ;) VR lump can be done for under £1k - 20vT would be more expensive. Depends how dirty you want your hands to get!

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Milage is irrelevant! (mine's got 236K miles on it!)


If it's a good solid car, don't crush/break it... at least sell it on as a project to someone who want's to put some life back into her...


As VR6 says, it's relatively easy to put in a 20Vt, or even just convert yours to a manual gearbox if you can find a written off one... :?

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If you PM me I can send you a copy of the Bentley CD, loads of test procedures in there.


If you like the car enough, you'll salvage it. If it's time to part company, then so be it, only you can decide that.


I certainly wouldn't pay £1200 without investigating the alternatives first, such as a s/hand box from a Golf or Passat.



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copy of the Bentley CD


Tut tut... :lol:


Seriously, I wouldn't trust a VW dealer if they have told you you need a new Gbox, the amount of VR6 owners that have been told they need a headgasket or new engine when they have a small sensor problem... classic example today down at Stealth, P-reg VR6 Storm reading an oil temp of 200 degrees C, VW had told the owner a new HG was required, I wonder what they would have said to him if he had gone ahead with the work and then they had founf it was a faulty gauge cluster (another £800 plus VAT!) which I can't beleive even the 'technians' would have overlooked, especially as the rev counter wasn't working and the oil light always flashing :evil:


Maybe worth giving Vince a call, he is a gearbox expert but not sure if he does auto's? - he will certainly be able to change the sensors and give you good, no-bullsh1t, advice!

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it wasnt a VW dealer who said the gearbox had gone i only asked how much a new box would be. four different independent mechanics have told me that it would be best to replace the gearbox rather than start chasing sensors.

the box is changing up and down at random and hitting long neutrals between gears and the ATF stinks of burnt clutch

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getting my car back tonite

brand new geabox £650 off ebay

fitting recon torque converter £175

fitting box £200

i suppose they say thats lucky ?

i sure hope so ! :roll:

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getting my car back tonite

brand new geabox £650 off ebay

fitting recon torque converter £175

fitting box £200

i suppose they say thats lucky ?

i sure hope so ! :roll:



fingers crossed for you :wink:

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getting my car back tonite

brand new geabox £650 off ebay

fitting recon torque converter £175

fitting box £200

i suppose they say thats lucky ?

i sure hope so ! :roll:



fingers crossed for you :wink:


ouch, thats quite a sum for replacement auto box, and thats even before i convert it from UK pounds to US dollars. Kind of pointless now, but my question is why did you decide to put another auto back in instead of swapping it out for a manual gearbox? Is it an insurance or MOT issue?

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And the pedal box, gearbox mount, ECU, interior trim, shift cables, shift lever, Master & slave cylinders and plumbing etc etc.....


And maybe he probably quite likes his Auto?

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