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Phil K

Numberplate shaving...

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I need to take about half an inch of each side of my rear numberplate to get it fit in my numberplate surround...


was thinking of just sanding it on each side but don't want to crack and end up buying a new plate...


Any clever ideas much appreciated



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Do you still have the portective plastic film on the plate? If you do, you "should" be able to cut through it using a hack saw then sand the edges. If you don't have the protective covering, you might be able to cover it in gaffa tape or something and cut it. Can anyone back me up on this one, or tell me I'm a dumbass? Hope this helps mate 8)

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How ever you cut it make sure the plate is covered in tape(duct tape) this will give it some strength.

I would use a jigsaw with a brand new blade (but not too rough) and make sure the plate is on a flat solid surface.

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well ive just trimed my front one all the way round by holding it in a vice and cut it with a hacksaw carefully then just sanded the edges,when you cut it make sure you have the back of the plate facing you this way you dont pull the backing off at the edges 8)

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whys you plate too big?


cant you buy one that fits without cutting one?


I've got a CCGB plate surround and my plate is too long to fit in... hence I need to cut it down - don't want to buy another one if I can help it!


Thanks for the replies chaps, sound like it should be fairly straight forward. Gonna get on with it now 8)

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