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points on license

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after finally getting a corrado and finding a decent qoute i've just recieved a letteer in the post saying that i will be getting 3 points on my license and a £60 fine, so i was wondering if any of u guys could shed some light on how long do these points stay on my lescence (had a clean license for over 3 years since i passed). whta kind of increase in insurance costs aam i looking at from say a qoute of £1080 tpft a couple of hundred more? Can't beleive i got points for doing 38 mph in an area where traffic is alwys doiung around 40 on the 30mph road :shock: . Oh well won't be doing that again. :(

Bobby :cry:

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I think the general feeling on the whole points issue is most insurers see SP30's as an every day hazard and don't rape you for a first offence... give them a call and have a chat with them, you'll prob find that they won't charge any extra and if they do try it on then have a look at other companies - there's plenty to choose from...

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ok thanks just had the feeling i was gonna get a shafting from the insurance companies and thge price was gonna go through the roof. :shock:

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when you did 38 ina a 30 zone what courght you a police officer or a camera... just a question... if you knew when you got courght how long did it take fo the letter to come through in the post





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right the points count towards the 12 point max for 3 years but stay on your lience for 4 years. I single SP30 make almost no differnece didn't put mine up a single £ but you MUST tell them.


Back to what chris has said give us some more details of the offence. Its not as clear cut as just accepting them. When was the offence and how were you detected?

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was caught by a sly police van parked up and i couldn't tell it was one until i saw it had the back doors open, when i got the letter on the 8th of this month and i was caught on something like the 29th last month. Anyway glad to hear i'm not going to get ripped on the insurance, i'll tell them i was doing a 'Caught Over Regular Rate Again, Doh!' and see what they say! :lol:

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bobby..funny thing is..i got a letter about a week ago too! so its points for me too except for jumping a red light...so my 3yr clean liscence will also get affected mate.

I'm thinkin about ringing up a few companies soon and just seeing what they say...my dad has told me that not all of them ask if you have points, but many do...


What would happen if i said i dont have any points to them?? can they find out? :roll:

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you MUST declare points to your insurance company as soon as you get them put onto your licence... it says in the small print that if you don't then your insurance is invalid...


Even if you know it's not gonna affect the premium, you've still gotta declare them, 'cos driving with invalid insurance is gonna put even more points on your licence and will cost you a damn site more then the phone call to the insurance company! :|

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