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Corrado's to be on the road.....FOREVER!

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The parts scanner is cool. Big article about the Replicator 3D printer in this months PPC magazine.


Soon we'll download cad files for parts and just print them at home :)

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They are an awesome bit of kit. The conversation has already been raised about one for school. And by speaking to others in education, there's a few of them out there already.


The days of the lathe are numbered.

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We had a similar type machine back in my old job, but the machine needed a CAD drawing 1st in order to make the 'finished' article and didn't scan. So not completely the same but this was a couple of yrs back now - was brilliant really!! Shame the end product was made of a very brittle plastic, but was very useful when we needed to see if parts would fit etc before being machined

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We sub out the rapid prototype parts at work but we use this so much we are thinking of buying our own, I'm counting the days

Edited by rado20vT

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