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Anyone as pathetic as me?

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So dropped my car off with my trusted local motor engineer to get the new corrado through its test last Tuesday but due to him having a nightmare with a rav-4 the red beauty didn't get to go for her test until Friday afternoon, she failed on horn, CV boot & all brake lines so I'm withouth her all weekend......should have her through the test Monday afternoon once the lines and bits are sorted.


Is anyone else as pathetic as me and misses their car when it's off the road or is it the fact I'm using my 1.7Dti astravan every day and the 118d cabby on the odd occasion? I even caved and out some flat pack up today!!



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Dude my Corrado's been off the road since last October, it's hell! Over that period of time, you miss it, you think you don't need it so think about selling it, then you come to your senses and now im planning what to do next when's it's back on the road. Having a Corrado off the road plays with your head! lol

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lol im way past that stage, i had it off the roads for like 4 months while i was doing bodywork and missed drivieng it like mad! but once i drove it and got it out my system it was back to normal and now im not bothered about takeing it off the roads to work on it for a month or two, i just enjoy owning it, its in my shed and nobody can take that away,

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Every monday morning lol , i work away all week so car just gets parked up till a friday night but after driving the vw crafter van all week it feels so good to jump back in the old beast haha

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I've just got back from a weeks holiday in Italy and one of the first things I did when I got back was to go for quite drive in the Corrado. I was thoroughly enjoying the sound it makes when a bloody TVR Cerbera pulled up alongside me and then floored it. It kind of put the sound of the VR6 into perspective. Still loved the sound though.


A strange thing has happened in the last couple of weeks though; I'm starting to notice the little niggling things more and more, things that never used to bother me. And with my wife really wanting a newer GTI I've started getting a bit excited by those. Hmmm I hope this trend doesn't continue.

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A strange thing has happened in the last couple of weeks though; I'm starting to notice the little niggling things more and more, things that never used to bother me.


I've found the opposite true for me since ive stopped driving it everyday. Things that bothered me, now dont as i dont have to put up with them on a daily basis.

Edited by Critical_Mass

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You are not alone at all .

If I go on holiday, the first thing I want to do when home is take my baby for a drive.

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Well had her back for two days now after she got through the mot and so much for weekend toy.....been going everywhere in her but loving every minute, the sound of the vr6 never fails to make me smile! Will miss the car over the winter big style!

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I do without for 6 months of every year... bad times :-(


Good point. This is the first year i wont be using the Corrado in the winter so im yet to go 4 - 5 months with out it - voluntarily that is.

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Its harsh BUT - its a good time to service some bits while you cant drive it.... always look on the bright side etc!

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Its harsh BUT - its a good time to service some bits while you cant drive it.... always look on the bright side etc!


Yes exactly. Shame weather is crap :lol:

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