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An odd one, oil leak

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I am 52 years old and I have never experienced this with a car. While wrking on my son's g-60 this past week end I encountered an oil leak in the area of the oil filter itself. It appears that We are building extrme oil pressure as it is pushing the oil filter gasket to one side and profusely leaking oil at this point. Three new oil filters , same result each time. Any ideas on possible cause and subsequent solution. Your advice and direction is appreciated :(

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Are you sure that the oil cooler (directly above where the oil filter gasket seals onto) hasn't ruptured or isn't dented? That'd be my first guess if it's leaking from the same place on more than one filter... :|


I take it (I've gotta ask just to make sure! ;) ) that you are putting a thin layer of grease onto the gasket before you fit the filter so that it seals properly and doesn't wrinkle the gasket?

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Sounds like the oil pressure relief valve is jammed if not leaking from where Henny suggested.


Screw on filter canisters can't handle the immense pressure during cold cranking and either blow the seal aside as you've described.....or, blow the filter apart! I've seen it happen once or twice on a 16V.

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Thank you for the quick response guys! Yes i did oil the gasket on the oil filters and I do believe that it is leaking at the oil cooler gasket and I know it is leaking from the oil filter gasket. I have considered the possibilty that the pressure relief valve in the oil pump has failed and also the possibility that the oil cooler is clogged. I will be pulling the oil cooler tonight and following that path to begin with. Any possibility the crankcase breather could be the source of the problem?

Thanks again for the ideas and thoughts.

...jack :lol:

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That used to happen to the old mk1 and mk2 golf diesels, they could blow the oil filter right off the engine. Pressure relief valve problem I think.

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I would suspect of the pressure relief valve too... :roll:

If it is stuck, the oil filter is under excess pressure. :!:

So that can cause that leak... :wink:

Go for it! :)

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