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Nathan Harvey

Ignition Barrel Advice

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I'm after a bit of knowledge/advice.....After i've had my alarm removed , replaced the ignition switch my vr still won't start with the key. But a screwdriver in just the switch and it fires up , only thing i can think of now that its the ignition barrel is worn so it does engage the switch properly , has anyone had similar issues with the barrel? Anyway i got fed up and drilled it out ready for a new one as it surely can't be anything else ?? Can it...


Heres a few pics




Missed the first time lol



column in bits


worn on the end??


old switch


new switch

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Well the key doesn't engage the switch the barrel does , the key only twists the barrel into the switch . Barrel must be worn out i think it's only thing I can think of

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Is it a genuine vw switch? Just wondering as I know the pattern ones can have issues. It's most likely the barrel though, like the others have said

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No not genuine but seems less fragile than the white one that was fitted , I think if a new barrel doesn't sort it I'm gonna get a push button start fitted lol I know the switch works as I've started the car with a gs in the switch. Tbh it's bloody annoying as it just didn't start without any prior warning . Gotta love Corrados lol

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The non genuine ones are pants, I bought one off the bay for about £10 and it was as bad as the one I took out! Gots genuine one and problem solved!

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Just to clarify, I'd recommend a genuine vag switch, but a pattern lock barrel should be fine, if a little rough compared to a vag one. It's the switches that are usually the problem as wear results in poor or no contact and hence no starting.

the lock barrel is essentially just a rod that turns the switch, the pattern one of these I have seems fine. The lock barrels are very expensive from vw, but the switches aren't too bad, so of the sake of 10-20 quid more for the switch I'd recommend a vag switch every time.

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Got ya mate cheers , I'll see what happens when the barrel arrives if I get it sorted I'll pop to vw and get a genuine switch and fit it straight away lol my box of spares is getting bigger . Vw wanted £55 for the barrel housing 2 so well over a hundred quid for all the bits from vw 😒I think I can live with a couple of holes in the old one

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The barrels are expensive because you can't retumble them...fingers crossed you have the original locks on your car. If you don't then the new barrel will match the locks that were on it when it was manufactured and you'll have to retumble the doors, boot and glovebox to make them all match! Or have more than one key...



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  Nathan Harvey said:
Back on the road new ignition barrel satis !!!! Boom :) :)


Hi, can someone advise the barrell part number? Or where to get it from? I have a 95 vr6 storm with the immobiliser factory fit. The electrical switch at the back of the barrell I have replaced but the intermittent problem of starting the car persists. I think the key barrel is worn out and I need to fit a new one. Can I just replace the barrell? Currently i have to turn the ignition on, then as i try and start the car push the key quite harsh upwards to start the engine. I can see a snapped key on the horizon! Thanks in advance for any replies.

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the Corrado barrel is specific to the Corrado, but it's only the hardened steel black cap that is any different to any other model of that era, so a mk2/3 golf/polo (even transporter I think) barrel will do, and there's plenty of pattern parts for these (around a tenner), they fit fine but have a very subtly different slope to the black cover, which you don't really see on the Corrado anyway due to the steering column plastic cowl. Quality does vary though, so you might want to pop into a GSF branch and have a look at one before buying.

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