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Bosch Fridge freezer problem

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We have a Bosch fridge freezer (KGV 3120GB/01) which is not functioning properly. Once the compressor stops is doesnt restart until you switch off teh mains power and then switch it on again. we were advised us to bypass a circuit in the pcb which we did and this solved the problem for the past 3 years. But it looks like it has cropped up again so i'm not sure what to look for. There is no visible thermocouple (it may be hidden internally somewhere), but having stopped the fridge for a while from the mains, removed the pcb and refitted, it has started up - not sure how long it will run for before it stops and then doesnt start again.


TIA for any suggestions.

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Ditch it & buy new with A++ energy rating, will pay for itself in 1st couple of years use thro energy savings especially if you make sure thermostat is set to optimum using cheap temp monitoring strips in fridge & freezer.

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Have a look on the above forum - I think there is a mod from Bosch that you can buy for it which may or may not be what you've already done, If you soldered the PCB yourself though I'd check for dry joints and re-flow, the ones with relays on the boards get very hot and the heat cycles eventually knacker the solder.


You could also try switching off and fully defrosting it incase the evap pipe is blocked with ice, also check the compressor fan at the back is not clogged with dust / pet hair etc, mine needs hovering every couple of years


Kind of agree with the comment above if it's over 7 years old (which it is) although I like Bosch stuff becuase it's fairly reliable and you can fix / gets parts for them easily - I've got a Bosch washing machine, fridge freezer and dishwasher all around 15 years old and still working as good as when they were new!

Edited by Supercharged

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Good link, thanks. I would tend to agree with replacement but its for a flat my aunt is renting to new tenants, so not for our own use.

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