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Jim Bowen

Starting car thats not been started for a while?

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Any precautions to take? Car has sat for a year with no coolant, oil, brake fluid, PAS fluid etc, have changed the timing chains and some fuel lines in that time as well.


When i first start it is there anything i should do first? i remember hearing something about being able to start it with no spark to help circulate some oil. Do i just disconnect the Coilpack and turn it over?

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All I did with my corrado that was stood for around the same amount of time was, disconnect the coil lead, fresh battery and a few jerry cans full of fresh fuel.


Turn the engine over to build oil pressure, then re-connect the lead. Then start it up, thats all I did.


But remember to put fresh fuel in.

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My car has been stood for a few months without being started. The battery obviously went flat and didn't seem to hold charge, and as it was over 5 years old, I thought I might as well get a new one.


Stuck the new Varta 096 in at Lunchtime, and it still won't turn over. The fuel pump doesn't even prime, no sticking relay noises, nothing! Is there a list of things I should check? I can't see how anything would have come loose as it's just been sat for a 2-3 months and was fine beforehand.

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Jim, I would disconnect the crank sensor then turn it over to build oil pressure (cuts both spark and fuel). The engine will turn over a lot easier if you remove the spark plugs. It takes about 30 seconds to fully build up pressure in the chain tensioner from memory. Then reconnect the crank sensor and it should fire up. As it's not had any fluids in it for ages, I would run it for about 50 miles, then drain them off and refill.


Andy, dead ignition switch maybe? Try again whilst wiggling the key around.

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Cheers Kev, is the crank sensor the one on front of the block above the oil cooler? Just undo that? iirc it meets another lead by the gearbox where i can pull the two connectors apart

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Yeah that's it. If you look on the front engine mount bracket, there's a black plug (knock sensor) and a white plug (crank sensor). Seperate the white plug and that will kill the spark and fuel!

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Andy, dead ignition switch maybe? Try again whilst wiggling the key around.


Hmm, I guess it could be this: It was left in the sun for a couple of months so will have gotten very hot in the cabin... I replaced the switch about 2 years ago though. Is there an easy way to check if it's gone faulty?


I do need to swap the Crank sensor out (still not fitted the one I bought off you an age ago). If the Crank sensor has gone tits up, I'm assuming I should still hear the fuel pump prime when turning the key? Would it at least try and turn over?

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Yeah without a crank sensor, the pump would still prime and it would still turn over, which is why I'm thinking there is a more fundamental electrical fault somewhere. Did you fit a genuine switch or a GSF one? The latter are known to be pretty poor.

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Sorry the keep thread-jacking but it saves starting a new one.

I checked all the fuses at lunch and all seem good, most relays have been replaced over the last couple of years too. The ignition switch is c. 2 years old and Genuine VW (as is everything else).


This is what happens when I turn the key:


Does this suggest the Ignition switch is ok?


If I try a new Ignition switch, can I just unplug the multi plug from the old one and plug it into the new one, then put the key in and try to start it. i.e. leave the existing switch in place within the steering column.


Finally, bit of a wildcard: The ECU in the car now is a late CP type ECU that should have a halo key thing on the stalk. When my car was remapped Vince deleted the immob from the ECU as I didn't have a new key or immob ring. As the car was stood with a dead battery for so long, could it somehow of forgotten the map?

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Well, I just wasted £30 on a new ignition switch. No change and no start! At a bit of a loss as to what's causing this now, other than an ECU problem....

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Sounds like an immobilizer issue to me, or electrical fault of some kind. Haven't watched your youtube video yet but this happened to me once. I turned the key and got absolutely nothing - nadda - f*ck all. Then I realized my immobilizer was partially engaged. A simple crank of the steering wheel (right I think) sorted it.

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Didn't craigowl have something similar recently? Think he had to get a new ECU?


Yeah I read his thread and that's what made me think it was the ECU. I don't see why it would just suddenly fail though. I'll pop Vince at Stealth an email to see what his thoughts are, it's a pretty hard thing to test as it's a different ECU with a remap that removed the immobiliser stuff. DANG!

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SORTED: Turned out I just needed to reconnect the alarm control box, must have been the immobiliser causing some havoc. Fired up first time once I'd done that, sounded lovely :)


Now to sell on that spare Ignition Switch...

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