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VW legal department hitting out at fan websites again

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VW´s legal department are at it again, enraging quite a few fns of the brand.


Doppel-Wobber, Germany´s biggest VW affinity website/forum/blogsite has a vast collection of VW Golf sales brochures on their website, for which the admin/onwer claims he´s had permission dating back to 2001.


He since has misplaced this permission (back then it was still given in writing rather than by email) and now the VW legal boffins have nothing better to do but to threaten the site with legal action unless the brochures are removed.


An outcry of anger amongst various fan communities and VW-related websites has started, including on many a Facebook page in Germany. Whether it´ll convince the legal boffins to step down is another matter, because even the die-hard fans of cars like Roccos and Rados over in Germany realise that the days that car manufacturers are interested in what the public think of the brand are over.


It´s fleet car buyers who constitute the biggest buyers in the market, and they don´t care, as long as criteria like price and reliability are met, no emotions involved.


Sad state of affairs.



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What I don't understand is why they care about people scanning in brochures. They're material produced for cars they neither make nor sell any more, and stand to gain (or lose) nothing from people distributing copies of the brochures. Me thinks their legal department has bugger all else to do, so seem to think it's fair game going after the enthusiasts who help keep their old cars on the road. Idiots.

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VW need to be careful. "VAG Bashing" is already reaching fever pitch across loads of forums. If they start p1ssing off their loyal customers as well, well, they'll dig their own grave when everyone switches to BMW or Merc.

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Between the lack of spare parts for older cars (in comparison to BMW for example) and their chasing people for minor copyright issues I'm genuinely getting ****ed off with VAG as a brand. And I've been a mostly loyal owner singe 1988.

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Check this out - http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&f=23&t=1208908&mid=56093&nmt=RE%3A+Chris+Harris+video%3A+BMW+M135i+vs+Audi+RS3


BMW M135i vs Audi RS3


Standard M135i = £30K

RS3 = £40K


The BMW comes out of the battle very favourably indeed.


What the hell are VAG playing at? Merely competent cars at hideously over the top prices. Firstly, I think Audi have contracted Apple syndrome. And secondly, I think a few of their cars appearing in hollywood blockbusters has gone to their heads.


Fair play, they've done their research and discovered what it is people are willing / stupid enough to pay through the nose for, but even so, few people like the Apple on wheels brand they are becoming.

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Have to admit my enthusiasm for Volkswagen has been steadily in decline for some years, thanks in no small part to nonsense like this. I'll be interested to see how this plays out. Them continuing to produce sh@t like this isn't helping either:





Edited by Jim

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What I don't understand is why they care about people scanning in brochures. They're material produced for cars they neither make nor sell any more, and stand to gain (or lose) nothing from people distributing copies of the brochures. Me thinks their legal department has bugger all else to do, so seem to think it's fair game going after the enthusiasts who help keep their old cars on the road. Idiots.

You need to tangle with them, then you will understand. Even using the VW symbol as on this forum's banner is off side with them unless you have expressed permission. Been there and got the badge! Yes, it is seemingly silly but thats the way they have been for a long time. Nothing new. Club Scirocco came unstuck early on and we were being honest with them. Still have the letter from VW in response to something we asked, ie. use of the VW symbol in the club badge...... big no-no as far as they were concerned as are the use of their font/car model badges.


One circumstance which is close to a lot on here is Ross-Tech diagnostics programme. Its why VAG-COM has had to be renamed VCDS.


Volkswagen A.G. (Germany) do not like there interlectual property rights being abused.


Why do you think some websites disappear? :)


They are a company that enforces their rights.


Much the same as music industry and so on.



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I've never felt any loyalty to VW anyway. Their service staff treat you with contempt, their parts department seem to think it's a big hassle when you order parts, their new cars are the same as the next manufacturer and they care not a jot about actual car enthusiasts.


Car enthusiasts do not make VW money worth talking about, and it doesn't really matter that people like and drive old VWs - they'd still sell cars regardless. Look at Kia and so on - they barely existed in this country 15years ago and sell cars by the shedload! :)


I always say I like old VWs, not VWs.

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Then continuing to produce sh@t like this isn't helping either:







What's with the big shiney snow shovel at the back?


What a heap o sheet. But as I say, VAG are very good at market research and it's that kind of sheet people are buying. But that still doesn't excuse their price tags.

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It's slightly grating that VW boast about their heritage on many of their marketing campaigns on the one hand, and then undermine that heritage on the other.


On the plus side the local dealer's parts department have always been helpful.

And they did let Classic Parts have their old tooling, and re-manufacture old VW parts of OE quality.

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VW have apologised!!


The news magazine Spiegel has even published this case on their website: http://www.spiegel.de/auto/aktuell/doppel-wobber-vw-fans-rebellieren-gegen-abmahnwelle-von-volkswagen-a-863376.html


It says that VW have admitted that they have clearly gone too far, Mr Kittler from the Classic Parts department (who are dependent on some good feedback from us, the owners and keepers of classic VW cars) stated that there will be a meeting in Wolfsburg shortly to discuss how to undo the reputation and brand/image damage done with this affair.


Here's the link to the Doppel-Wobber page: http://www.doppel-wobber.de/forum/volkswagen-gegen-doppel-wobber.html



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Overall I do not think VW are much different in their terms of Service to customers to any other manufacture.


I barely talk to anyone who has a good word to say about dealing with dealerships in any of the big makes.

As for us lot with old cars, well the new trade has always called cars older than 3 years - old dogs.

If we did not live in such a class driven society, then this would never have happened in the first place.

However, My ex used to work at a BMW dealership years ago, the stories he came how with regarding the abuse from customers - for no just reason, other than they thought the world revolved around them as they owned a new or newish bottom of the range 3 series was quite unbelievable


On the marketing side, although it does seem VW can take it all a bit far at times and be too picky.

I know if I had set up a brand name, logo's etc and all the years of marketing it, I would not be too happy at it being pinched, stepped on for free.

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That's the thing though, no one was 'stealing' anything from VW. Merely referencing to them on a forum!


I wonder what VW thought of the Beastie boys, back in the day.... I bet they took it as free advertising!



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"Er hi.. yeah... my collection of 15 Storm's had their badges stolen. Can I have some replacements please!" ;)

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I've actually had pretty good service from my VW dealership when I've needed parts - the guy on the parts desk used to give me a 20% discount purely because I had a Corrado!


Sadly he's since moved on so no more discount, but his replacement is always really helpful trying to source parts and despite only going there every 6 months or so he immediately knows me and seems genuinely interested in helping out with an old car.

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It really is just a lottery - I have had similar experiences with my local dealer. They're enthusiasts, and help out enthusiasts. But I know there are plenty who can't be bothered and just see someone coming in with list of obsolete parts or a list of trim clips as a pain in the backside.. :|

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Interesting to hear peoples experiences with VW (am I allowed to use the precious symbol here?)


Back in the early 90s my two year old G60 blew it's supercharger at 40000 miles. It was taken to the dealer . A new supercharger was £1,200 fitted, VW offered to pay half as a good will gesture. This was still very expensive so a few calls and I managed to sorce a good secondhand one from Awesome GTI, VW were fine with this and fitted it for me.

I go back to collect my car only to find a long scratch on the front bumper. The service managers first reaction was "we haven't done it"! Without even looking at the car.

We go out to my car and he gets very nasty and abusive to me, now at that time I was well known for having a short fuse. Holding my temper I demand to see the boss, JF is summoned and also starts to abuse me, shouting I had made him fit second hand parts!

Well as you can imagine it's a little too much for one to take.....I grab the service manager and he wriggles free, so I chase him through the workshops to the great delight of the mechanics, much cheering and applause gave me the impression he was not liked? He then manages to lock himself in an office.

Well by this point I've lost it altogether and set off after the boss who has run for the cover of the showroom. Once in the showroom I have a captive audience of people buying new cars, so I proceed to let them know of the companys incompitance.

One of the salesmen that I knew well comes over to try and talk me down so I proceed to tell him and all around, in graphic detail the fate that was about to befall the boss.

Any way the salesman promises to sort out the problem and as I cool down the boss man appears.

Complete change of attitude from him now, nothing too much trouble, everything would be fine, the car would be sorted. It was at this point I realised what a snivelling little ass hole he was!


Anyway as the years have gone by I have been treated well by VW, on the whole.

Audi are ignorant p*icks, and ignored me when I went in to buy an R8.

Porsche.....closed on a sunday, but pleasent enough other times.

Ferrari, very friendly, interested in me, take all contact details, stay in touch....invites to watch F1 with them etc, etc.

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