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Slight coolant leak

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I've got a slight leak from an unknown hose. It's the one that comes directly from the coolant tank then goes down and splits into two. I've got a leak from the small 'L' shaped hose that goes into the block. Anyone know what this is and where I could source a new hose? Dripping pink fluid everywhere!



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Engine? VR im assuming?


Dont think hoses are available anymore.. worth checking and if not a secondhand jobbie will be the next thing - which could fail in a couple of years as it too will be 15+ years old. Aftermarket silicone hoses are the way to go imo if you can afford them.

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Okay so it got worse. It looks like it is from the thermostat area just under where the coolant pipe enters it. How hard is this to replace? What new seal do I need?


EDIT: Probably just go for a completely new housing. Do you get seals with it or is it just the housing?

Edited by JimVR6

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you will also get the housing seal, which is trinagular shaped. When you tighten teh housing take care not to overtorque the bolts. Check the hose ends to see if they have frayed at all or if there are any lines of dried up coolant - this will indicate if there is any leak in the hose. If so, just cut off a few mm to reveal a 'fresh' end of hose.

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I've deduced its the coolant flange that attaches to the housing thats causing the problem. Not the whole housing. It's a £9 part from GSF but not sure which seal to get to go with it? Looks to be an easy job anyway, phew!


Edit: Easy job. Still leaked a bit from the housing, possibly cracked. Not terribly bad leak. Got fed up. Whacked some rad seal in there... Ugh.

Edited by JimVR6

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