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Europe road trip - what to visit?

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Okay Im contemplating doing a road trip to Europe next year and would like some thoughts on where to go or what to see.


I rode from Aberdeen all the way to Florence in 2006 on my bike but that was more of a long days motorway trip for the MotoGP. Having been to the Alps numerous times Id like to do a bit of that but I was also thinking a day at Nurburgring, Porsche Museum, Audi Museum and VW museum as well.

I was thinking down through France / Belgium, into Switzerland then up into Germany and home over say 10days or so. Remember its about a days travel for me to even get out of the UK so may as well do as much at once.


Anybody done something similar and can offer some good places to visit. Will probably take the missus along as well. Oh and it would be in the Audi as its that what its built for.

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Not really from a motoring point of view but having visited the WW1 battlefields, The Somme, Ypres etc, i would definitely recommend that area of Belgium if you are into history..

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Gotta see the Nurburgring, if you've never been there..


The VW "museum" is interesting (where the last Corrado Storm, etc lives) but sadly very neglected - the Autostadt however is well worth a visit.

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Good call on the battlefield suggestion and the suggestion of the Autostadt and the Nurburgring.


Me and the Gf went to the Autostadt in 2009 and we didnt realise all the old vehicles were a little bit down the road at a seperate site, not actually at the Autostadt site - there was a small road train that took you there as far as im aware. Still, we really enjoyed the Autostadt, we were in there for about 6 hours in total and didnt get bored. There's things for kids to do also. Definately recommended.


Berlin is another place id recommend, not been myself, but would love to go.


There's a good aquarium place in Bolougne if you want to travel the few miles from Calais to bolougne - not sure where you're going to be sailing to.

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The last two years I've done a euro hoon with my mates in Elise's and this year my VX220.


Last year we concentrated on the black forest, grimsel pass and did a track day in Abbeville.


Tis year we headed to Monaco via the route napoleon a week after the grand prix (death bed memory doing a burn out n the pole position slot, and tearing around as the circuit was still a circuit!) then into the alps doing the stelvio, furka, col de la bonette, Susten, and a little bit of black forest. The wehr pass from Todmoos is the single best driving road I've ever seen, including the stelvio!

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Brugge if you go through belgium, nice roads from Calais through Dunkirk and onto Belgium.


Like Critical Mass says Brugge. Its a must i say....

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The 'ring is a must see, I love the place ...... Stelvio Pass is great and all that but for me it was the roads just south of it that had me giggling as we drove them.


Amsterdam was fun for the day too, always wanted a pic of my car outside a coffee shop so I got one.


I dont remember the exact route we took but it was something like: Folkestone, Geneva, Zurich, Freiburg, Munich, Nuremburg, Amsterdam, Rotterdam then home. Was an absolute treat of a journey & very well planned (not by me) with LOADS of twisty roads in between.

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Thanks, Ive had a few good suggestions. The missus seems up for it as well, taking the Audi means we can take a decent amount of gear so we can camp if we want and I can get it flat out in Germany!!!!


Looks like the initial plan is Zebrugge, Grenoble, Route Napolean, Nice, Monaco, Genoa, Florence (MotoGP weekend), Italian Lakes, Davos, Stuggart, Ingolstadt, maybe Wolfsburg, Nurburgring, Zebrugge. About 3500miles in total. All very early though and a long way off.

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The list between Grenobles and Davos is what we did but went through milan rather than florence. The napoleon is good but goes on and on so make sure your in the mood before setting off. We did it starting around 3 pm and all I wanted was a pint by the end.


Monaco was ridonkulous!

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