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I like how he invites SENSIBLE offers... what, like his sensible Buy It Now price? What a ringpiece.

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Maybe he needs another bang on the head, to reset the effects of the first bang on his head..........a fool and his money

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  fragsxr said:
my anni aint got one of these, wont be gettin one either. could put my c back on the road for that.


You could buy a second hand car that'll last a couple of years for that.....

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Don't know if anybody else noticed, the "unpainted" letters don't quite seem to line up with the rest of them... cut and shut perhaps?

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  destructiv dave said:
Surely that's only worth something if you have the corresponding car (i.e number 1288 ), otherwise just buy a sticker.


But why is car no. 1288 missing it's dog tag anyway? So it's a completely worthless item to anyone other than the owner of car 1288!


I think it's time ebay introduced the pricing police and ban users for being so utterly ridiculous.

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The badge on the MK4 anni's was added at the dealers, so there's no factory record of what number the vehicle would have been given.

It's not on the V5, or service book, or on the VW system.


So some owners tend to sell off their fuse box cover/badge when they sell the car, as they can get a tidy sum for it...

One sold on egay last nite for £102 :lol:

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  Kevin Bacon said:
But why is car no. 1288 missing it's dog tag anyway? So it's a completely worthless item to anyone other than the owner of car 1288

yea thats exactly what i would of thought, its like you selling me your vin plate for my car! ,

either way i wouldnt even buy it for £1 as it means nothing to me ,idd have it for free though as i like free stuff,

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  VW_OwneR_85 said:
yea thats exactly what i would of thought, its like you selling me your vin plate for my car! ,

either way i wouldnt even buy it for £1 as it means nothing to me ,idd have it for free though as i like free stuff,


Well, it's not like a VIN.. it's not recorded anywhere.

So if an anni owner is missing their badge, they can replace it with another (if they're willing to pay a stupid price)

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  joebloggsVR69 said:
Well, it's not like a VIN.. it's not recorded anywhere.

So if an anni owner is missing their badge, they can replace it with another (if they're willing to pay a stupid price)


Kind of pointless then if you ask me. Nothing more than a tacky marketing ploy by VW. 'Proper' limited edition runs have a plaque rivetted to the slam panel. Not some doublesided taped on thing with some random number on it :D

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  Kevin Bacon said:
Not some doublesided taped on thing with some random number on it :D


Hey, Storm owners would kill for a random number :lol:

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  Kevin Bacon said:
I think it's time ebay introduced the pricing police and ban users for being so utterly ridiculous.


But Ebay want people like this, and the people stupid enough to pay the price - they'll get 10% of the price (maybe capped at £40). And the trouble is there are too many people prepared to pay way over the price for things - it depends what it's worth to a person, and how much money they've got.

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  tonytiger said:
But Ebay want people like this, and the people stupid enough to pay the price - they'll get 10% of the price (maybe capped at £40). And the trouble is there are too many people prepared to pay way over the price for things - it depends what it's worth to a person, and how much money they've got.


Yeah I know, I wasn't being entirely serious :D


And if people do have enough surplus cash to pay £500 for a silly plaque, they have no right to plead poverty and bitterly complain when petrol goes up 3p a litre!

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  VR6 said:
Hey, Storm owners would kill for a random number :lol:


1.8 16v owners would kill for a Storm!


and regards the actual Ebay item. Tool.

Edited by porki
wrote Storm with an 's' istead of the correct 'S'. Schoolboy error.

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