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New stereo head unit :) :( :) :(

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Treated myself to a new stereo yesterday , the old one was in perfect working order but fancied an upgrade.


I wanted something that could stream music from my iphone , and handle calls via bluetooth , so I plumped for a Sony MEX-BT3000 . It was on offer at Halfords for £79.99 , from £250 and was a bit of an impulse buy but I'm glad I bought it !


I can't get over how much better it sounds , deeper bass and crisper highs . I thought the standard speakers in the Rado were a bit poo , but actually , they sound o.k with a decent stereo !


Simple to use , looks good , calls are clear and connection is a doddle .


Did my usual thing of looking on ebay , and ,for the price , and being able to just go and pick it up I was happy :) Until later on that evening I was just having a look at the range of Sony head units on ebay...The next model up ( or a couple of models up ) which had a few more features , was available for just £15 more :( . Extra features included variable display colour ( not essential I know but for matching the interior lights this would of been great) a front USB port and a search feature for streaming music . Mine streams fine but has no search function , just pause , next , previous , shuffle .


Overall i'm very pleased ...but just goes to show , a little research can go a long way .


Tempted to try and return the stereo but obviously ive fitted it now :/

Edited by scott1980

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Take it off the car and connect to main current at your home, it will damage it permanently so you can return it as broken :D :D :D :D

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well i've thought of blagging it saying it doesn't connect properly or summat , wouldn't wanna risk goosing it and end up wi no stereo and a big middle finger from Halfords .... Big sign on the window says "we wont be beaten on price" wonder if they do a price match on the ebay one ? probably pi55ing in the wind and it's my own fault for not looking into it !! haha

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