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Not a happy new year!

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They offered to touch up the small marks on the near side for free as he said it would be difficult to blend in paint on the flat panels without it being noticable at certain angles.


I actually got a full quote £900 from chips away as was thinking of sorting a few other bits n boobs at same time. So full quote included sorting and treating rust and respray of offside wing and dent removal, repair of underseal and respray of offside sill.


Total cost made me back away from it though as thats almost a 1/3 of what a full respray might cost.

Now im thinking maybe fibre or carbon wings are a good idea instead of trying to patch up a rusted wing, painted to look original though.


I just dont have the time to sort all this it at the moment and hate making snap decisions. If they had just scratched the wings i wouldnt have been that bothered as i knew they needed work but sods law they did just about everything but the wings!

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I think they do offer a mobile service but they've got a spray shop near my work in reading.

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If you are going to go for a respray it might be worthwhile asking jay renshaw i think he has a mate down your way who sprays porsche's.

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i swear the human race needs culling!!,


This is the exact topic of conversation I have at work daily.


If i see anyone touching my car I'm afraid its red mist all the way. Just jealous ****s probably.


Curiously enough, I got Pulp Fiction on BluRay for Xmas and when watching it the other day, Vincent Vega's comments about paying for the oppurtunity to catch the creep who keyed his car rings so true. If only we could catch these scrunts in action, eh? It would be great to take them to tattoo shop and get the same marks permanently scarred onto their skin in return.


Unfortunately the people who do this sort of thing aren't human. They're a lower class of creature. It always baffles me how in the animal kingdom, runts are either either abandoned, killed or eaten by their parents. So why is it these worthless creatures are allowed to live? Scum like this are like slugs and wasps. They have no purpose (that I can think of) and contribute nothing.


Oh, and Happy New Year Y'all :D

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Harsher punishment! For keying a car, let's chop his finger, for two cars, well two fingers, etc... Sounds a bit like Sharia law, but that is the only way to teach such low lifers anything. You cannot reason with them... you just have to go medieval on their asses (as they say in Pulp Fiction).


I remember many years ago there was someone damaging (kicking/punching ?) mirrors on cars (this was back in Poland). I remember few people decided to stay overnight and keep guard. This took few days but they caught the b*tards and problem got solved once and for all - never heard of any other cars being damaged back then.

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Harsher punishment! For keying a car, let's chop his finger, for two cars, well two fingers, etc... Sounds a bit like Sharia law, but that is the only way to teach such low lifers anything. You cannot reason with them... you just have to go medieval on their asses (as they say in Pulp Fiction).


Totally agree. Rough justice is the only way! As Maggie Thatcher said in: "The Iron Lady" last night, "None of these men have the balls to do anything....". It's so true. The government have gone from 'soft touch' to barely touching at all with 4" thick padded gloves.

And speaking of getting medieval on their arses, I find it amazing this is the same country that once had hanging, beheading, public stoning and torture machines!


I remember many years ago there was someone damaging (kicking/punching ?) mirrors on cars (this was back in Poland). I remember few people decided to stay overnight and keep guard. This took few days but they caught the b*tards and problem got solved once and for all - never heard of any other cars being damaged back then.


It's not just Poland! My gf is from Czech and the same stuff happens there too and they have some of the worst standards of driving...in the world....ever! Her family also used to put decorated pumpkins out every Halloween, but local trash used to smash them up, just for kicks. I think it must just be some kind of destruction area of the brain that's triggered in immature men who can't handle their shandies.

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