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Is this a dodgy ignition switch when....

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I'm driving along tonite on one of those feeling half asleep but want to go for a bit of a drive and listen to some music kinda drives...


Doing a steady 60MPH down the A45, go to overtake a lorry and suddenly I lose all power, the headlights go off, music stops and the engine cuts out and the lights are flashing on the dash as if i've just put the ignition on ready to start the car.


I try to prevent myself from crapping my pants as I am now coasting along side a lorry in total darkness.. so I start to bash the dash and surround areas and the lights keep flickering like they are gonna come back on... but then I actually fiddle with the keys in the ignition and bam, everything comes back on just as it was. Engine jumps itself back into life as I was obviously still rolling along, stereo comes back on, and obviously so do the lights.


Thats a dodgy ignition switch isnt it....?

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If it is, then thats a nasty way for it to show itself!.....mine just needs wiggled sometimes or else you cant get the starter to turn.


One question tho, when you had the lights flickering, were you in neutral?

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No... I don't think I was to be honest. It happened so quickly I can't really remeber too much.. pretty sure it was still in gear as when power came back, I was driving again and was in gear so.


I'm more inclined to think ignition switch as I did struggle to start the car earlier today after I finished work - turned the key all the way round to start, nothing. Put it back, tried again... held it there for a sec and then it went.

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It more than likely is the switch, but i was thinking.....


For your two red dash lights to be flashing, the ignition ciruit must be on. If you were in gear, this would be equivalent to bump starting the car. If you were looking at the flashing dash lights with no engine power, and no other electrics, there could be another problem. Does that make sense?

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Ah yeah.. I see what you mean. Though i'm pretty sure I put my foot on the clutch as soon as power went so I was coasting along.. then freaked out for a few seconds, knocked the ignition / keys, got power back, released the clutch, bumped the car, off we go.


I'm not too sure to be honest.. happened so quick and I am a bit tired. Just have to watch this one. Would rather it wouldn't have manifested itself in that kind of way!! :|

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foot on clutch is a good reason, probably what I'd do too!


I am certain its the switch.......i have a new one waiting to go onto my car....but no time cos of uni work just now. :( cant wait till its all over, I'm gonna have me a 100% car oriented summer!!! 8) :D :icecream: :cheers:

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Cool.. well i'm glad its probably something as 'easy to diagnose' as that - any idea how much a new one costs, and is it dealer only part? :)


Good luck with all your uni work - having the summer to spend on the car will make it all worth it, i'm sure ::D

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sheeeesh, that's not good Jim.... :shock:


It does sound like it could be an ignition switch problem, and for the £20 it'll cost you to change it, it's not worth risking it doing this again is it?


Does your stereo only work when the key is in the ignition? that's the only thing that struck me, as it appeared that you lost ALL power, although it depends how your car is now wired up... :?


Change the switch ASAP, it's only a 30 minute job (tops an hour!) and it makes such a difference... 8)


As far as I know, it's dealer only, but then, at £20, who cares?!? ;)

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Cheers Henny.


No, it definately wasn't good and I was a bit worried.. i'll have to check that stereo / ignition thing as on my last Corrado the stereo used to stay running until I pulled the key out of the switch.


God knows what the lorry driver thought when I went alongside him and then appeared to switch my lights off!!!


And £20 seems bearable - any chance of a part number? :)

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uh... try V6N0 905 865 (17.47 + VAT) comes to £20.53 all in...


I think that's the correct part number, I just dug out the receipt... 8)


Just ask for an ignition switch, they normally stock 'em 'cos it's the same switch as is used on loads of other VWs... 8)

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OK, here goes my two pennies. GSF do the ignition switch for a tenner, and its definately not a 30 minute job, as you have to remove the steering lock mechanism from the steering column in order to gain access to the tiny screw that holds the switch in situ (steering lock should be bolted to the column with shear bolts, so you have to drill the heads off). Anyway, I changed mine last Thursday because my car cut out in the same way - lost all power and came (eventually) to a grinding halt. Having changed the switch I was satisfied that I had resolved the matter, but it cut out on me again today :cry: When I tried to restart the car absolutely nothing happened, in fact I couldn't even get the windows to operate. After about 10 attempts the lights on the dash lit up, the fuel pump powered up and weh hey!, all is well. Does anyone have an idea as to what the next thing is I should be checking? :?:

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Could be an earting problem I guess. My fuel pump is getting noisier and noiser. Do you think that could have an electrical fault. Does it have an electric motor?

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OK, here goes my two pennies. GSF do the ignition switch for a tenner, and its definately not a 30 minute job, as you have to remove the steering lock mechanism from the steering column in order to gain access to the tiny screw that holds the switch in situ (steering lock should be bolted to the column with shear bolts, so you have to drill the heads off). Anyway, I changed mine last Thursday because my car cut out in the same way - lost all power and came (eventually) to a grinding halt. Having changed the switch I was satisfied that I had resolved the matter, but it cut out on me again today :cry: When I tried to restart the car absolutely nothing happened, in fact I couldn't even get the windows to operate. After about 10 attempts the lights on the dash lit up, the fuel pump powered up and weh hey!, all is well. Does anyone have an idea as to what the next thing is I should be checking? :?:


It is a 30 minute job if you do it the easy way, rather than the long winded VW way of taking the lock mechanism off! ;) :roll: See HERE for details of the way I did it and that several other people here have now successfully followed... Oh, and ignore the bit about taking the seat out, apparently it's just as easy to do it with the seat in too! :D


There is an ignition RELAY as well as the switch. If the switch is doing nothing when you turn it, and you are sure that the switch is OK, then I'd point the blame at that relay, especially if the windows and other electrical circuits died too... :? I'm not sure which relay it is, but I'll have a dig through my Bently manual later tonight while I'm looking up some other stuff and see if I can find it for you... 8)


The fuel pump on all Corrados is basically an electric motor. If it's getting noisy, try replacing the fuel filter to see if that helps quieten things down... they often get gummed up and cause the pump to have to work harder causing it to complain a bit louder than normal! ;)

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Thanks guys for all tha advice. I pulled out two immobilisers and an alarm and the car has been fine ever since. Seemed whoever fitted the last immobiliser piggy-backed the original, causing the whole system to fail. Fixed now anyhow :lol:

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