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Brake Lights.........

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Or rather the lack of! Looks like both my brake lights are not working. I've not been fiddling with any wires, the only thing i've done recently is change the passenger side bulb. The lights at the back work fine, however they do seen a little brighter than they usually are, but hitting the brake pedal produces no 'stopping' light at all. The strange thing though, is that when the lights are switched off, and i hit the brake pedal, the rear lights do come on, but nowhere near as bright as a brake light should be.


Is there a brake pedal switch which might have gone U/S? This is the only thing i can think of as to why both lights will not work. Seem to recall previous cars i've owned had such a switch.


If anyone has any input, would be pleased to hear from you.


Cheers as always.

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More likely you've fitted the wrong bulb or it's not quite seated right - remove it to test
Was very careful to get the right bulbs as previously i bought dual-pole stop/tail lights instead of single-pole bulbs. Made sure that it was seated/fitted correctly, so possibly not this.

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