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How do I remove gearknob?

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Trying to change the MOMO gearknob out for a stock one. Unclipped the gaiter surround, there was a small alan screw which I undid. this only allows the gaiter to be loose. Can't figure out how to get the MOMO gearknob off though and it is doing my head in. Switched out the crappy aftermarket steering wheel too for the original. Now finally have a decent steering wheel and a hooter that works so happy about that........ just that darn gearknob.

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There might be a screwed collar at the bottom of the gear knob, and then probably some small allen key screws holding the actual knob on.


Try posting a picture of knob, if the above is not correct.

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  sankysvr6 said:
There might be a screwed collar at the bottom of the gear knob, and then probably some small allen key screws holding the actual knob on.


Try posting a picture of knob, if the above is not correct.


Yeah there was one alan screw but couldn't see anything else. Will get a snap tomorrow and post it.


  jaded2882 said:
I tried this once and got a ban


Loooooooooool, there's always one isn't there hhahahahhaa

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Like I said, if you have removed the allen screws, it should just be a case of unscrewing the knob!!


If a caveman can fit one, it should be easy to remove :rofl:


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  BILLCOR said:
Like I said, if you have removed the allen screws, it should just be a case of unscrewing the knob!!


If a caveman can fit one, it should be easy to remove :rofl:



Holy caveman!!!!!!! hahahahahahaha Looks like Brendan Fraser from California Man back in the day hehehehehe. I will have another go at the gearknob today. Think maybe a vicegrip in the lower little spindle (like the one in the video) may loosen it up.

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  BILLCOR said:
Like I said, if you have removed the allen screws, it should just be a case of unscrewing the knob!!


If a caveman can fit one, it should be easy to remove :rofl:



I can't believe I just sat and watched 4 minutes of someon putting a gear knob on. (Or for the more letcherous of you, screwing on a gear knob.)

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  G60radoboi said:
Gear knob removed and OE one fitted!! Looks so much better now lol.
I could do with a new knob................

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