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bigpants baby

diy tracker

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cool, that "map your mobile" thing looks brilliant, very handy

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and also if they find the phone and steal that to you know where they would be also in person ... LOL untill they take the sim out bnut still a very good idea


and the best thing about this it's all done by you and not the police... so you could go around at night with your key and just drive away with no shity paperwork YEY mind you you will have to get the locks changed...


nice :mrgreen:

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Hm.. if the free example is anything to go by, its not the most accurate service.


Directed me to a location about 2 miles away from where I currently am!!

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I mean.. its still cool that you could pinpoint it roughly, but it could be garaged or anything.


I guess GPS costs so much for a reason! :(

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anyone research 'boomerang'?


i dunno much about it, but i'll be getting one eventually.

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A lot of companies do this mobile phone tracking thing - I was talking to one at a show a few months back and from what I understand it basically works by telling you which phone mast the phone is connected to.


So in a remote place you could have a very wide area but in somewhere like London it could be reasonably accurate - from what I can remember I think I've got that the right way round!

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i actually fit tracking systems we do one called trackbox same size as a mobile but it uses gps accurate to a couple of meters and communicates using encrypted text messages uses a web based map system to locate your car or it can send latitude and longitude of its possition to your mobile

they are not currently availiable to the public but will be soon at around 299 quid with fitting included i think.

i will let people know soon and will try and hastle the boss for a forum discount 8) very simple to fit may be availiable as a diy install kit as well.

will keep you posted

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I've just bought a TrakM8 which sounds very similar to this trackbox system.... The major differences are that it can be wired into your alarm so that it alerts you if the alarm has been triggered.... it's also got 2 or 3 other inputs you can wire into it, and most importantly, it has a 12V out that can be triggered via a text message which can be used to kill the engine if you ever get carjacked! 8)


It'll also tell you your fastest speed, 0-60 times and acts as a black box recorder too, and you can hook it into a laptop and use it as a GPS source for a navigation program! 8)


However, it's not cheap (£450 or £500 for the thatcham Q rated version) but IMHO a well worthy expenditure... 8)

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the track box also has all the features youve mentioned and the internet location system is included free for the first 3 years not too expensive after that either you can also set a virtual ring fence (if it moves out of an area it will alert you by text) and you can set waypoints (alert on arrival) however they are not currently thatcham approved as they where originally meant for industrial equipment and HGV you can view a basic demohere.... http://www.actiontrack.co.uk/


p.s. im not trying to sell these firstly they are not availiable to the public yet and secondly i have plenty to fit allready

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Cool... sounds like it's gonna be a winner system for that price then... 8)

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not very impresssed just tried the mapamobile and im bang in teh midle of london and got a text back saying it couldnt work out where i am


not good :(

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