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Back to the spray shop on monday .

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My vr is back in to have those niggles sorted , it looks like the welds in the boot area were never treated when i had them smoothed , so what with condensation in the car in the mornings ,the paint has started to bubble . Its either that or a small pinprick hole in the filler and water has got in ?, not sure which and its the same on both sides ,So im having the filler and weld taken out and the badges put back on , although they will be stuck on so i wont have any tab holes its back to oem for me . Will post pics on my thread as i get them .


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Hi mate , will try and put them up ,but iphone pics might not show it . you can see it up close by eye .


Edit no they wont show on pic .

Edited by robrado974

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No it does not look like it , thats the cause of the problem i think , ive got the condensation bags in the car but its still going to cause problems . They are going to treat this while she is in the shop .

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got one similar problem with mine, iv basicaly come to the conclusion that its down to a pin prick hole that i missed when welding , i wax oiled the back of my repairs that you couldnt get to after i had finished painting to avoid contamination , so im thinking the wax oil has penetrated through a pin prick hole and over a period of time has slowly passed into the filler and through the primer {as there both purous } and lifting the basecoat and clearcoat creating the tiny blisters , the rest of the car is spot on!,its just that one repair area, i basicly should of epoxy primed the repair area first before useing filler, epoxy primer isnt purous like regular primers so it would of sealed any tiny holes preventing anything from passing through into the filler ,, its no big deal ill sort it in a few months..

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